I Love You Lydia Raves

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Breathe. That's what they're telling me but I just can't calm down. Grieve. I know it's what I need but I just don't how. All these voices get so loud but I still know that there must have been something I could have done. I was so sure, that I fell short. I thought I'd stand tall, and shake the ashes off. I told myself that could be strong, I was so sure.

Lydia says faintly in her mind as she tries to swim to the surface but couldn't.

It seems like forever but she knows she can't win as the waves suddenly picks up. She let's her body be thrown around, giving up when she feels a hand on her arm, pulling her up.

She gasped as she reach the surface. She feels herself being carried away from the water as she looked up to see Jackson.

He held her close, softly saying her name, bagging her to stay with him.

Her small body trembles against his, her eyes staring up at him in pain.

"Please," he whispered, his voice cracking, tears streaming down his face.

She looks at him weakly in pain as he lays her down and examined her. She kept her hand over her chest as she looks at him weakly.

"Lydia, move your hand..."

She slowly moves her hand to uncover her wounded chest.

Jackson looked at her and her chest. "Lydia...," he chokes up.

Her eyes started to get heavy and her breathing slower.

"We've promise.."

Lydia teared up, knowing this would be the last time she'll speak to him.

She tightly grips on to him.

"It's okay."

"No Lydia.."

"It's okay Jackson..." She weakly nods to him. Blood starts to come down her lips as she speaks.

"Katherine, James, and, Stone are gone... We did it." She said slowly to him.

"Lydia I know but you promised me..."

"We've promise each other."

"I'm...I'm not..going.. to make.. it.."

She bite her lip in pain and tries to speak again.

"I love- I love you...Jackson.
It's going to be okay...

I'm in the arms of my first love of my life, The first person I'd ever loved.

The person I'll always love..I love you Jackson Kyurell,

So, so much.'' She says softly to him, creasing his face as he spoke.

"Lydia, please don't!" He begs her as he hold her body. She chokes out an ''I'm sorry'' as he pushes back his tears.

Seeing him in so much pain breaks her heart.

He looks down at her wounds where the knife and bullet was and he holds her closer, looking around to see where they were.
Amity...We're in Amity.

"Lydia. We're in Amity." He softly to her.

She smiled a little as her eyes starts to close.

"Lydia, stay with me.." His eyes widen in panic and shakes her slightly while she closed her eyes.

"No!!" He screamed and bends down over her body against his, shaking as he cried.

Jackson quickly check her pulse and felt her pulse weakening.

"Stay with me Lydia. Please don't died on me."

He clutches to her tightly.

"Princess please. Don't die on me. Not now. I need you to live, We have our whole lives together ahead of us..

I love you Lydia Raves...

Lydia hears him faintly, but it muffled.

Soon enough, She hears nothing. She then know she is slipping into death.

Lydia Raves: Dauntless The Brave [ Completed ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant