We'll Wait For You

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Lydia started to panic and looked around for Jackson.

"Jackson?" He was right next to her, sadly staring at the unconscious Lydia as the doctors leaved Jackson alone.

He sits next to her, tightly holding her hand, whispering "I miss you" to her till he spoke up.

"They say that you would be awake any day now, Lydia. Now that the surgeries are over, and the last of the wires and things have been removed. Even your flesh and muscles are healing, but.... you still won't wake up for me?

"Why is that Lydia? Is there something that they're missing?"

Lydia shook her head in anger and her eyes teared up.

"I'm trying Jackson, really I am...Just don't know where to look.." She said sadly as she bite her bottom lip, holding back her tears.

She went up behind him and hugged him, not caring if he can't feel her or that he might flinch from her coldness, just wants to feel him for once.

Jackson flinch a little, then realize that he feels a warm coldness near him.

Turned and whispered:"Lydia?"

She jumped back, eyes widened when she realize Jackson felt her.

"Jackson..I'm here, I'm right here." She spat out happily.

He frowned as he was looking near Lydia's direction.

"I'm going crazy.." He said to himself as he turns back around.

"No! No! You're not going crazy! I'm here Jackson..

I'm always here for you..

She whispers to him, sliding down against a wall while hold her shaking body. Her lips start to shake and tears build up quickly and falls fast.

She bents over trying to suck it in and not make any noise but it hurts too much to hold it in, she lets out a cry then comes the loss of breath which sucks because not only she's crying out loud but she knows she falling apart for Jackson.

She felt trapped, not knowing what to do and falling apart seems like a good idea for now till she fully dies.

Lydia wiped her face and kissed Jackson on the cheek before she left.


Quietly eating her dinner with her parent wasn't a good idea since she was seconds of having a meltdown.

Her parents looked across the table to Lydia while she was picking her food.

"You're not hungry Lydia?"

Her dad asked worried.

She shook her head no and places her fork down.

She looks at them, faking a smile.

"I'm fine, Just not hungry right now..That's all"

She lied to them so they wouldn't worry that much.

Her dad nodded and smiled.

"Well you can be excuse if you want.." Her eyes lights up from an idea.

"Okay. Thanks dad." She gets up and kisses her dad's cheek when her mom calls after her.


She slowly turns back around, groaning. "Yes..?"

Her mom looked up from her plate and glared into Lydia's eyes. "You're not going to Jackson again..Right?"

Lydia quickly thinks of excuse as her mom stares at her.

"Um...No. I'm going to get some air, so..Cya!"

She rushes toward the door and turns the knob but it wouldn't open, she shook the door till her mom came up behind her.

"Did you changes the locks or something?" Lydia laughed nervously as her mom gives her a death stare.

"Lydia, I told you about this already..wait for him."

She looks at both of her parents and scoffed.

"So what am I suppose to do? Grow old till I'm 90 and he comes to me when he's 67 or something?!

I'm trying to find a way to go back to him, but you guys won't help me by this! If you love me so much. Why don't you help me.I'm dying and he needs me.."

Lydia looked at them, wanting them to help as they looked at each other but saw they're not going to.

"It's like you don't care if I fully die!" She yells at both of them in anger.

Lydia glanced at her mom in front of her and angry tears fills up her eyes when she looked at Lydia.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean that-"

"If you want to go back to Jackson so much then go back to your dying body, Lydia!"

Her mom cut her off then realize what she said. "Margent Raves!" Her dad yelled at her, quickly heading towards them.

Lydia looked at both of them and let's out a sarcastic laugh.

"Are you kidding me? I can go back to my body and that's it..?"

She looked at her dad and he nods. "Yes Lydia, but..." He gets closer and holds Lydia's shoulders. "We're not ready for you to go..If you do this, We'll have to wait for you to come home again."

He looked down at her.

"I wanna go.. I know theres still evil in Chicago, and I know I have to stop it before it's too late. You guys can wait for me.."

She looked at her dad and nods.

"Right mom?" Tears starts to fall down her mom's face as she hugs Lydia.

"Right. Go. We'll wait for you."

Lydia smiled at her parents one last time and heading out to the hospital.

Lydia Raves: Dauntless The Brave [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now