Aisle Walking

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The way I love you is not polished and clean but seeing you walk down the aisle makes me think it could be. The way I love you is like a song, it changes from the verse and chorus, but one melody is strung along.

So it began, the flower girl, Lux, took the rose petals out of her basket and threw them all around. The crowd clapped for her as she joined her mother off to the side. Soon, Liam and Zayn were walking down the aisle since they were the best men. They wore lavender suits with sage green flowers in their pockets.
         Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe, Gemma, and Fizzy walked down the aisle next. They wore long sage green dresses with a light pink ribbon belt. They all looked so beautiful and they were excited to support their brothers.

When the wedding song started to play everyone stood up. Louis walked down the aisle with his mom giving him away. "Louis, I am so proud of you." She kissed his temple, "You made a really great decision marrying Harry. You boys are going to do great things." Tears welled up in Louis' eyes and he let them flow.

The guests continued to stand when Harry came down the aisle with his mother on one side and his father on the other. "I can't wait to see where your future leads." said his father, "You're going to be the best married couple."

"Yes, you are." Added Anne. They eventually gave him away. Harry grabbed hands with Louis and smiled, this was their moment.

"Welcome family and friends! Today we are here to celebrate my two favorite people in the world, Harry and Louis." Niall was their officiant, it was his idea, and he begged for it. "In this room I only want to see love and support for this couple. Harry and Louis also thank you for being here today to celebrate their love. So let me just ask this.. Any objections?"

The room stayed silent.

Niall smiled, "Perfect! Ok, Louis read your vows now." Louis began to read his vows and as he did tears fell down both of their faces. This was everything they had waited for and more. There would be no other moments like this. "That was very beautiful. Harry read your vows."

Harry read them and Louis smiled at him. In just a few more minutes that was going to be his husband. All of the stars were aligning in their story.

"Beautiful. Now, Louis, do you take Harry to be your wedded husband? To love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do with all my heart." Louis squeezed Harry's hands. The falling sun caught his face just perfectly and glistened in the light.

Niall smiled and eyed the photographer to make sure she was getting all of the angles, "Harry, do you take Louis to be your wedded husband? To love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Harry smiled back, "I do with everything I have."

Niall felt like jumping up and down but he remained calm, "By the power invested in your love and commitment, and me, I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom." Harry and Louis kissed each other like they never had before. The crowd cheered for them and their love. Butterflies erupted in their stomachs and life finally felt complete.

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mr. Tomlinson-Styles!"

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