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Harry and Louis ran down the aisle, after kissing, into a car that took them to a secluded bridge to take photos. "Hi, Husband!" Harry said in between kisses.

"Hi to you too, husband." Louis smiled so brightly. "We are married!"

"I know. Can you believe it? We are actually married!" Harry kissed him again and again until they arrived at the photography spot.

"Ok you guys kiss in the middle of the bridge and I'll get a photo!" yelled their photographer from across the small man-made lake. "Perfect!"

They continued to move in different positions with Zayn, Niall, and Liam until all of the pictures were taken. "I am so happy for you guys!" exclaimed Niall. "You deserve it!"

"Us too." said Liam and Zayn. "Now lets go party!"

"And eat food!" Shouted Niall. They all raced to where the cars were parked with Harry and Louis taking the lead. "We'll see you there!"

When they got back into the car Zayn turned to Liam smiling. "I can't believe they are actually married."

"Me too. It was a long road but they made it." Liam looked at his sad-ish boyfriend, "Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad! I am happy for them. They deserve this more than anyone else. I can't wait for our wedding day." They looked at each other lovingly and kissed before stepping out of the car quickly.

The reception venue was beautiful. There were beautiful bouquets of flowers just like the ones tied behind the chairs for centerpieces. Fairy Lights were strung from the ceiling making the whole room glisten. There was a stage where people could perform next to the DJ booth. The caterers were setting up the food in the back, which of course was chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham, with a side of homemade mash.

The front table where Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were supposed to be sat was wrapped in a lavender tablecloth and everyone else's was white. Niall was already sitting in the middle. "Welcome the Groom and Groom into the room!" Everyone clapped for them while they walked to the table holding hands with the biggest smiles on their faces.

Once they got to the table the DJ started announcing which tables could go and get food while everyone else was smiling at the happy couple. Today was a good day. 

Once everyone had eaten a little bit of what was on their plates it was time for the speeches.

Zayn walked up to the stage and took the microphone nervously. "Hi, my name is Zayn. I am Louis' best man." The paper shook in his hand but he eventually calmed himself by looking at Liam's face, "As soon as I met Louis I knew we were going to be best friends. We had the same ideas, future plans, and we basically just got along really well. When Harry and Louis eventually got together I thought that I would be losing a piece of him but in reality, that wasn't true, I gained a piece. I gained Harry who is more a part of him than anyone else. Seeing you two together has been the greatest blessing and I can't wait to see what married life is like for you. I can't imagine a better partner for Louis, same with Harry. To you guys!"

Louis started to tear up and so did Harry. Their hearts were so full of love. The blue eyed one ran up to Zayn, "Thank you mate. That was really beautiful. It means so much to us."

"Don't thank me. I should be thanking you for being the best friend a guy could ask for." Louis pulled him into a hug.

"I will be making fun of you for being so cheesy later. I just won't today because I'm too happy." 

Zayn smiled brightly, "I wouldn't want to have it any other way."

After Niall chewed and swallowed all of the food he could fit inside his mouth he went on stage to make a speech, again, "Hi, I'm Niall, the officiant of course. The sexiest officiant you've ever seen probably." Niall was a bit tipsy but good thing people laugh or else it would've been awkward. "I have waited for this day ever since the band got together. No, not because of the wedding food, but because I am so excited to celebrate this couple. I remember this one time Louis ran into my room and he told me that he was in love with Harry. I literally had to tweet out to Harry to get his attention." Niall shook his head and laughed, "The OG's know that story. I think that the love that these two have for each other is one that can't be matched. I hope that one day I am blessed with a love like theirs. To Louis and Harry!" Niall took a long gulp of the wine in his hand and ran back to the table with his food.

"Thank you, Niall!" Harry said and gave him a big hug.

Liam had planned to do a speech but when Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy, and Fizzy asked if they could do one the crowd would never forget, he couldn't refuse.

"Hi! We are the Tomlinson sisters." Said Lottie, "Liam was supposed to make a speech tonight but we are taking over instead." Louis glared at both his sisters and Liam begging them to not make it too embarrassing.

"Anyway, when Louis first started talking to Harry all he could do was stare at his phone. I'm pretty sure one time he even said, "Mom, can you get me some toilet paper, I'm on the phone and I don't want to get up.'" The whole crowd laughed so hard and Louis' face turned pink.

    Phoebe added on to the speech, "One time Harry called my mom around christmas time. Crying because Louis pulled a prank on him. He really did tattletale to his boyfriend's mommy." The crowd laughed more and more as the girls told embarrassing stories.

"Even though they have had a lot of very embarrassing moments. They are the perfect couple together and we are so glad that we get to add another brother to the family officially. But, Harry.... If you break his heart, I'll break your neck." Lottie finished the speech smiling.

"Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe, and Fizzy are out." They dropped the microphone and went running as Louis tried chasing them around the dance floor.

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