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Irene's POV

I can't help but bawl at what she told me. I feel sadness and anger at the same time, but the fear of losing her is getting into my head.

"I love you so much Baechu, Mianhae." She said. I just cried more. I reach for her hands.

"I can't lose you Seulgi-yah, I really can't." I beg as my tears continue to fall. I just look at our hands.


"Jebal" I look at her "Jebal, Seulgi-yah. Jebal"

She looked at me like she doesn't know what to say. She just kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes while tears are still falling

Next thing I know someone has broken the front door. I heard familiar voices but for now I don't really care about that. I cried even louder.

"Unnie!" They said in unison. I felt them hug me. I cried more.

"We were so worried." Wendy said.

"She left me." That's all I had said and cried again. I felt them tense up. I felt someone smack my head

"Yah Unnie! What are you talking about?!" Joy said.

"Seulgi. Seulgi left me." I said and I recieved another smack in my head.

"I swear if you do that again Yeri! Can't you see I'm already hurting emotionally, why are you still hurting me physically?!" I shouted at her.

"It's because you're already killing Seulgi unnie inside your head, where in fact she's still fighting for her life at the hospital." I swear to God! What Yeri said just gave me life.

"You mean--" Joy cut me off.

"Yah unnie! I already told you to go there asap yet you still did not listen! And this girl right here" she pointed at Wendy who is still crying. "still wanted to drive to fetch you because she thinks you can't drive. When in fact she, herself, can't drive at the moment. You are all so dumb! Everyone of you, even Seulgi unnie! Aaaaah!!!" She let out the cries she was holding. "You are all so stupid! *sob We were suppose to be there for her, but where are we now!? For fuck's sake she's not even dead yet and we're already here crying like she just gave up on life." She cries. I look at Yeri and she's crying too. I just realize something.

"If you're all here now, then who is staying with her at the hospital?" I asked them

"Her parents and yours unnie." what?


"We were all together at the park unnie, waiting for the two of you to come before we receive the phone call saying she got into the accident." Wendy explained keeping her cries.


Wendy was suppose to answer that but one of their phones started ringing. I saw Joy answered her phone we all look at her as she sigh in relief

"Thank you Auntie. We'll be there. Yes, she's fine." She said as she looked at me. She then hung up the call.

"We need to go, Seulgi unnie is being transferred to the ICU." Joy said and all of us got up.

God please let Seulgi be okay.

"Thank God!" Yeri said.

"Don't thank just yet, she's in coma." Joy said as she ran to the front door wiping her tears off. Joy is really composed, I know she's hurting already but she still act strong in times like this.

"Here I thought Irene unnie is the responsible one" Yeri said as she passed by me following the tall one.

"It's Seulgi we're talking about, Yeri." Wendy said as she follows the two. How can they still tease me in times like this?

I look around the room and I wasn't expecting to meet a set of eyes looking at me from the stairs. I froze. She's still here.

"Unnie! let's go!" I face them and they are all waiting in the front door.

I look at the bear again. I felt my tears trying to escape again.

"You can go first I'll catch up." not breaking the eye contact. I can see the bears expressions being confused.

"Yah! We can't let you drive, Seulgi wouldn't want that." Wendy said.

"Trust me, she would." my eyes still set for the bear.

"What?" I face them all.

"I can drive myself there." I told them in a serious tone.

They had no choice but to let me. They all went out. I waited for their car to drive off before I face Seulgi again. Now I'm a little angry.

"Baechu." She is already in front of me.

"Yah! Why are you still here?!" I grabbed her shirt as if I'm about to fight her. Isn't she suppose to be back to her body now?

"Y-you want m-me to-to go?" She stuttered. Tears still dropping from her eyes and that made me really weak. I let go of her, I thought I was done crying when the girls got here.

"I don't know." I said in a weak tone.

I sat on the couch and crumpled myself there.

"I'm tired already Seulgi-yah." I said without facing her.

"This day have been too much for me already, all I want to do now is rest. But how can I do that?" I look up to her letting her see how weak I am now.

"How can I do that if my mind is still circling on what just happened. I'm tired of crying already, but I can't help it. *sob I can't let you go, Love. *sob." I wipe my tears. "I don't think I can go on with life without you.*sob"

"I know that time you were only gone for days love, but those days without you really hurt and I can't afford more days of that. I really can't." I felt my tears keep falling.

"I'm scared. I'm really scared right now. So please come back." I avoided her eyes again. "Jebal"

"Please come back to me." I begged her. "Not like this.*sob I need you as a whole love, not like this." I cried.

"This is all too much already Seulgi-yah. *sob Jebal." I know even she, herself, don't know how to fix all this. Yet I'm still kinda hoping she does.

All I wanted is for her to at least return to her body. Even if that means always seeing her in a hospital bed. I'd rather have that than seeing her now like this, it's hella scaring me.

"Mianhae. Mianhae, Baechu. Mianhae" I see her drop on her knees, gripping her hair with both her hands, as she cries.

I can't come up to her to comfort her because even I, myself, don't know how to calm myself down.

"Mianhae love, for all of this." I covered up all my cries as she said those words.

I just cried there as I heard the telephone rings again. I don't have the strength to go up and get it, but I have to. Maybe it's the girls. I stood up but I don't see Seulgi anymore.

"Love?" I tried calling her as I went to where the telephone is.

"Yah! Seulgi-yah!" My voice is still weak. I don't know why but Seulgi not being around now is scaring me more. What if she's gone?

I answered the call...

"Unnie? Are you already on your way?" Why is her voice shaking?

"Sorry, not yet. Why?" I said.

"Did you cry again unnie?" I don't know what to say again.

"Can you come here already. Seulgi--" I cut her off

"What happened?!"

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