Beeloon and Drawings

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As normal, unedited. I know I'm technically on a break rn but I wanted to publish this since I finished all 1600+ words of it!

Summary: Quackity accidentally causes Tubbo to slip, and Tommy comes to the rescue. *PLATONIC DON'T YOU DARE EVEN HINT IS MORE THAN PLATONIC*

TW: sfw age regression, mild cursing, mentions of bad parenting, implied gambling, crying.

Quackity wondered the streets of Las Nevadas, taking in the views of his city. It felt good to finally have this place be real. Dreams really could come true.

"Quackity!" A small boy ran up to him, holding a flyer in the air. Quackity focused in to see another member of Las Nevadas, and his son. Tubbo.

He wasn't sure why he had let Tubbo into Las Nevadas. Tubbo's horns, the hair, he reminded Quackity to much of Shlatt. Tubbo's dad, of course the pair looked alike. It still felt strange to Quackity, pulling at his heart in all the wrong ways.

"What." Quackity snapped, he didn't mean to be mean but it just fell out his mouth that way. Tubbo stepped back in confusion.

"I made this, for the casino." Tubbo mumbled. He handed the flyer to Quackity, a beautiful drawing on it with advertising for the casino. It was surprisingly well done.

"It's fine." Quackity lied, handing it back. Tubbo deflated slightly, his hands hanging limply at his sides. The paper crumpled in his hand.

"It was supposed to be for us to hang outside the casino..." Tubbo's voice softened to almost a whine at the end, confusing Quackity. Tubbo was one to not be ashamed when he cried, and get mad, and accept hugs willingly. But not whine.

"Then go hang it. You don't need me." Quackity softened his voice slightly, but nowhere near enough. He turned and kept walking away from where Tubbo stood.

"But..." Tubbo choked on his words, a small tearful gasp pushing past his lips. Quackity looked back to see Tubbo's knees buckling, and tears welling up in his eyes. It clicked instantly and Quackity knew how badly he'd messed up.

He'd known of Tubbo's age regression since Manburg, when he walked in on him regressed. But it had always been more of Tommy's thing, even Niki when Tommy couldn't get there. Quackity had never really been concerned about it. He had caregivers, Tommy, Niki, and presumably now Ranboo as well.

Most concerningly, Quackity had never seen Tubbo slip so fast. Normally he was able to to set himself up, or call Tommy, or atleast say he felt he was going to slip. But looking at Tubbo now, Quackity knew the boy was little at just a glance.

Quackity rushed over to Tubbo, pulling out his communicator. First on the list was Sam, then Fundy, Wilbur, Tubbo, Foolish, Tommy! He sent Tommy a quick message to hurry to Las Nevadas and sat next to Tubbo.

"Tommy will be here soon Kid, it will be ok." Quackity tried to reassure. Tubbo looked up at him, face tear streaked, and eyes already red. He let out a small sob and collapsed into Quackity.

It wasn't long until Tommy came up to them running. He was unarmored, seemingly in a rush. Tommy could tell his little was upset, and small, from a mile away. He slid to the ground still running, next to Tubbo.

"Hey Bub, what's wrong?" Tommy asked softly, shooting daggers at Quackity with his eyes. Tubbo peaked up at his caregivers voice and shifted over to Tommy. Tommy smiled at the little with a softer gaze then Quackity ever thought was possible, coming from Tommy.

"Mama didn't wike my dawing!" Tubbo showed the crumbled paper to Tommy, who took it softly and un-crumbled it. He scanned it, pride growing on his face instantly.

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