𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐

18 2 2

Holy shit. holy shit. holy shit.

Nope not happening.

I get to a bathroom as fast as I could without looking like I just got caught killing someone.

"There's no way..." I started to look back through my memories and basically confirmed that the dude I saw was in fact Brock Rumlow

That nutsack was all talk but no fight. But why work here? Does Nick work for Hydra?

I spent about 2 minutes in the bathroom gathering the courage to walk out and go find Nick. Luckily his room wasn't far. I knock on the door and he tells me to come in and when I tell you this man looks like a creepy space pirate. He looks like a creepy space pirate.

"Nice to meet you Aeron" the space pirate says

"You must be Nick" we shake hands and god does this man have a grip. And an eye patch...?

"Please just call me Fury" ok Fury

"I'm going to be straight forward with you I'm not a man that likes to sugar coat things so let's get to the point. Who are you. Why am I here and why do you have an eyepatch?"

"The eyepatch is a fashion design. My name is Nicolas J. Fury and I work for S.H.E.I.L.D. And I'd like you to join the Avengers." I stare at this man like he has six heads

Avengers? What the fuck type of boy band is that? Also I fly solo I don't like to work in teams. I'm like Batman. But more handsome. Sorry Ben Affleck. Not to mention a man who thrives off of being alone.

"I don't want to be rude or anything or get off on the wrong foot but I don't like to work in teams and I hate people" I blame be being antisocial from being locked in a cell for 11 years

"Didn't expect you to so I have a alternative plan." Now I'm curious because he isn't killing me

"Alright I'll listen to your plan but no promises that I'll actually do it. But I do have another question...how do you know me."

"I've done my research on Hydra and saw you were a prototype weapon that they wanted to make after losing the Winter Soldier. I look through security camera footages and wanted to help so now here we are" I back away from him a little. Suddenly getting an uneasy feeling in the chest

"Will it make you feel better to tell you I don't associate with Hydra" you could have lead off with that in the first place.

"Well actually a lot yes" still could have told me sooner...

"Good because I need your help tak-"

"I'm in" oh well I'm to tired to argue

"Well then Aeron we'll talk about the plan later because you look horrible and need sleep so I'll ask a good friend of mine to come take you to the tower"

"Thank you Nick. But what tower...?"

"Avengers Tower. I would like it if you got to know your teammates" more people...

"Great...well I'll try not to kill them...yet" if they piss me off no promises

"Good someone is waiting downstairs to take you to the tower and it's a hell of a drive so get some rest while you can"

"I don't trust any of you with my life like that yet so I'm going to stare out the window until we arrive"

"Stubborn thing aren't you" no shit space pirate

"That's one way to put it" really he's got no clue


"Aeron this is Phil, Phil this is Aeron" Fury introduced me to a man named Phil Coulson. He seems nice I like him already

"He will be taking you to the tower since Tony needs Happy to help him with suit modifications because Pepper took Morgan out for a girls day" Tony...as in Tony Stark...

"Nice to meet you Phil I hope I won't annoy you as much" why do all these men have good handshakes?

"Don't worry about it I deal with Scott on a daily basis" ah yes the ant. heard he was a child at heart but is also very smart.

"Aeron remember don't be a dick understood?" No promises Mr. pirate sir

"Alright Fury I'll try and be nice" I roll my eyes and Phil laughs.


Phil's a cool dude. But he's got a creepy obsession with Captain America. Overall I genuinely enjoy talking to him he gave me the inside information of everyone and gave me a heads up of who's not as friendly. Apparently this Loki dude is not a nice person but it's not like he stabbed Phil in the back so how could he hate him?

Look...I know that was a fucked up joke and I'm sorry but I saw the opportunity and I took it...

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢Where stories live. Discover now