𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟹: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎

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My stomach growled. Damn I forgot what being hungry is like...I threw up after eating 5 berries because I wasn't used to eating ...or they were actually poisonous...but I'm hoping to have better luck this time with food

"McDonald's?" Phil asks

"Who?" I genuinely don't know what the hell he's talking about I haven't been outside much in these past years so I'm a bit slow

"It's a drive through fast food place" sounds promising

"Oh yea sure anything sounds good right now" literally ANYTHING

We pull over to the rest stop and head inside we walk over to the small McDonald's they have

"What would you like?" Pulling my attention away from the menu

"Cheese burgers please 2 of them"

"As you wish" this man is to damn nice

Phil order us the food and we ate before heading back out on the road

Yea I did the thing I told myself not to do: fall asleep. I guess I trust Phil either that or he put a sleeping pill in my burger.


I wake up to the bumpiness of the road we were on. I hear...talking? Then I figured it it was just the radio and we're still driving. I yawn and rub my eyes and look at Phil who's still driving

"30 minutes away" he also turned to me as he said that

"Not worth it going back to sleep then" I mumbled

"Aeron I wanted to ask you a question" that's concerning-

"Uh sure go ahead" great I'm going to die

"Do you know Tony in any way?" That's the last fucking question I wanted him to ask.

"Stark...yes I do and fair warning if I see him I'm going to kill him" great job dumbass now you look like a serial killer

Phil nods and takes him phone out to text someone. A bit sketchy but he doesn't look like he's texting anyone to warn them about me so I ease up a bit. After a few seconds of silence

"Why do you ask?" I feel like that was a bad idea

"Well I saw the way you reacted to his name earlier and was a bit worried then I remember he lives at the tower as well so if you hated him I could give you a heads up" excuse me what?

"That's fucking fantastic" I tried to say that as quietly as possible key word TRIED

"You hate him that much?"

"Yes. I wish to never see his face again" that's a brutally honest answer because I hate him like HATE him

"Well...this shall be interesting" indeed


To say I'm scared doesn't do justice for my emotions right now. The thought of Stark being here honestly scares me. We have a history and it ain't a good one. I suddenly don't want to be here anymore but here I am. In the elevator that's going to lead me straight to the man I don't want to see.

~Steve's POV~

We were told not to make a big deal out of Aeron arriving. Nick told us his history with Hydra and the fact he ran away so many times tells us he didn't want to be there either. It's just Natasha, Pietro, Clint and I waiting for him. We collectively agreed we don't want to scare the kid already so the less people the better.

"I heard he's one hell of a fighter Nat watch out" ever since Clint heard Aeron was skilled in fighting he's held that over Natashas head.

"He'd probably kick your old ass Clint" I laughed and Clint playfully punched her arm

"Asshole" was all he said before walking back to the couch with a glass of water

"Does he have powers" Pietro asks

"Fury says he doesn't but he doesn't even believe Aeron because a guard at Hydra says he saw his eyes glow purple" Nat knows more about him than we do because she is more interested in him that we are.

"Contacts" Clint chimes in

"I don't believe Hydra would give him anything besides the food he never ate and a place to sleep" Natasha says

"So do we think the guard is full of it then" Clint asks

"Let's not say it isn't a possibility" I say because we don't know much about the kid so who knows what's he's hiding

~Aeron's POV:~

The elevator brings us to the top floor and my eyes stay on the floor. I don't know why but I'm very nervous. The elevator gets higher to we're I need to be.


I hate this


God help me


Shit shit shit



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Look I know this story is shit so far I get it I'm the most talented person in the world but it gets better alright

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢Where stories live. Discover now