𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟿: 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛

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"No" I don't want to eat with other people it makes me emotionally drained

"Yes" why does he have to be so damn good looking and stubborn



"FINE. It's only because your hot" I quietly say the last part

"Thank you" he kisses my forehead then we start making our way to everyone else


Apparently Stark is away on a "business trip" for another month or two. Something about weapons testing and designing

"Oh by the way James, Aeron told me an interesting fact about you" Rhodey says with a smirk

I nearly spit out my water

"Oh yea and what did he say" James narrows his eyes at me and I try to get up and run away but he has a grip around my waist and I'm under the blanket with him so It was physically impossible to get up

"That you have a weird Captain America obsession" I start laughing knowing he isn't going to tell him what I said

"I'm honored" Steve says walking by laughing while patting him on the shoulder and getting a glass of water from the fridge

"Is that so? Did I tell you he loves collecting Harry Style posters and cutting him out and glueing it all over the walls because he likes his face" everyone including me starts laughing

"Hey you said you liked a picture of Harry looking down at you watching you sleep" now it was my turn to narrow my eyes at him

"I did not say that" he says with a laugh

"Yes you did!" this argument goes on for another minute then everyone starts sharing random facts about them. Apparently Natasha only likes books that are the same height and color. Clint likes scrapbooking. And Gamora likes putting in contacts to freak Quill out
|Reminders:                                             |
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|•Buy contacts if Quill pisses you off  |


We're all in the living room watching Central Intelligence. Hope, Carol and Natasha talk about how hot Dwayne is. While I'm cuddled up next to James, Wanda and Vision are on the opposite side of me .

"God look at his muscles" I hear Nat whisper to Hope and Carol

"Look at his abs"

"Damn he looks hot with those tattoos"

"I bet he has a massive co-" James slapped his hand over my mouth

"Do not finish that sentence" he says in a low tone

"Jealous it's bigger than yours Barns" you know the expression -don't poke a sleeping bear- well Sam just beat that bear with a stick

"I know damn well James is bigger..." I mutter while my focus is still on the movie

"What the hell did he just say?" Quill asks and the only ones that heard what I said were those who are sitting closest to me and I can assure you they were laughing

"And I'll take that as my time to leave" I say start to get up

"Don't you want to continue gossiping with the girls about how hot The Rock is" he glared at me with a smile

So me being me...I lightly slapped him.

"Ooooooooooooo" everyone said in unison

I'm so fucked...probably literally...

"Your going to pay for that!" I hear James yell while I sprinted half way down the hallway

I quickly ran to my room the shut the door and started smiling like a 5 year old. After that I took out my phone listen to my daily mix 5 and the song? None other than My Chemical Romance. I flopped on my bed and held the three dog tags in my hand

I take them off my neck and hold all three of them. I look over them for the millionth time.

The only things on the dog tags were names.




Even though it's been 3 years the memories never left my mind.

"Uh hello? I'm right here!"  The little voice inside my head pipes up.

"I know Raven but that would leave me alone with my thoughts if I shift to you. That's what I'm trying to avoid here" I say as I sit on the edge of my bed facing the balcony with my head in my hands

"Look. I know you miss them but you still get to see them" he has an unfortunate point

'Yea asshole we're still here just not...HERE' to say I missed them is not a lie but when they show up at random points within the day it pisses me off

"No shit I didn't notice" I can hear Eros laughing from beside me before slowly fading away then I felt a soft hand run down my spine

'I'm not the person to give motivational speeches but you have James back in your life he'll always be there when we can't' Vivian was always the shy, quiet nice one out of our group of 4. But she is an absolute psychopath if you get to know her.

"I know V, it's just different right now being around new people and it sucks" and it's overwhelming

'You'll warm up to them eventually and on your own time don't rush it' she kisses my cheek before fading away as well. Lillian is either doing 1 of 3 things.

1: Sleeping

2: Sleeping

3: Fighting with Lucifer

The last one is the most logical one knowing her. She's always been the one to start fights for absolutely no reason. And she's definitely someone you do not want to fuck with

I take the dog tags and put them around my neck again and falling backwards on the bed. Oh how time really does not heal those wounds. I take my headphones off and put them on the night stand next to me. A great end to a great day



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