𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜

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Don't fuck this up.

The elevator doors open and I'm glad to see not everyone crowded around but rather 4 people sitting on a couch.

First impressions by looking at them there all hot and I remember one. I think I remember his name as Pietro and I think he has a twin sister. Word got around about them at the multiple facilities I was kept in but I didn't care enough to listen in on the conversations all I remember was them being called the Maximoff's or 'The Twin's'.

He was nice we've met a couple of times when he needed training. His sister however I never met her I've only heard stories from Pietro.

"Oh my god Aeron" Pietro ran up to me and hugged me. It was his first time seeing me in years

"Long time no see speedy" I feel bad that it's been so long.

"My names Natasha you can call me Nat" her hair is so shiny and smooth...and red.

"Nice to meet you" I shake her hand still not making any eye contact with anyone but silver haired man.

"Welcome Aeron I'm Steve and the man on the couch is Clint" Clint raises his glass in the air as a welcome

"Nice to meet all of you" I say now shaking Steve's hand. Holy muscles.

"Well hello there you must be Aeron" 2 other oddly good looking men that I don't recognize walk into the room.

Just one thing that matters to me no Stark

"That's me and you must be Loki" yeaaaa but they aren't my type

"Indeed darling how did you know" he walks a little to close for comfort so I grab my gun and put it under his chin

"Back it up princess" I narrow my eyes at him and he puts his hands up as if he was surrendering

"Brother I suggest you don't get to close. Hello I'm Thor the better looking one and the god of thunder" ah the golden retriever

"Well it's nice to meet both of you" I shake both of there hands

We all sit down at the couch talking. Mostly then asking me really random questions but nothing to personal which is nice. An hour later or so Natasha shows me to my room which is next to Peter Parker the spider boy and on my other side...I wasn't told who it belonged to but it's not vacant either. I set my stuff down in the corner and just go to bed because I'm to exhausted to eat dinner or take a shower. Lights out for now.

~James POV~

Sam is really starting to piss me off with all his "big 3 this, big three that" bull crap. Earlier today I was told that we have a new member to the team who wasn't so good with new people so Natasha, Pietro, Clint and Steve stayed back while some of the others went on a mission or just hung out in there rooms. I unfortunately was paired with the ant and the flying ant


"IM RIGHT HANDED" I yell back at him

"Guys who's that?" I can barley hear Scott in the earpiece until I look behind us and see 3 helicopters flying straight towards us. Well shit.

Sam body slams into both trucks to make them tip over. Scott is dangling by his boot were as I am currently clinging onto the side of the truck. One tuck is closing in on me fast.


"Apologize to Redwing first." This mother fu-

I'm literally 5 seconds away from dying and he wants me to apologize to his drone.


"Do it or you'll be crushed" I want to see the new guy...


"For what"


"Say it"


Not even a second later Sam grabs my free arm with the help of Scott and I get out before being sandwiched. Sam throws both Scott and I on the ground before taking care of the helicopters.

"Holy crap" Scott lays on his back out of breath

"I'm to old for this shit" I groan sitting up watching Sam in the distance take the helicopters down.

"Can't wait to meet the new guy though he seems like a fighter already he pulled a gun on Loki" Scott said looking at a text he got from Steve

"Probably deserved it" I sat with my head in my hands to get the ringing out of ear and my heart rate to go down.

"Well I've got good news they said he's really friendly if he likes you. And bad news is he's got a lot of things going on" great now there's 2 semi stable people under that roof

"Well let's not get on his bad side" I say and then Sam comes back to us and we all start heading home.

Mission: successful
Casualties: 0
Objective: Stop 2 semi trucks from entering the city and taking citizens as test subjects

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢Where stories live. Discover now