𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟻: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗

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~Planet: Unknown. Year: Unknown.~

"Honey we have to go now"

"I know, I know hold on" she frantically search's for something within her drawers

"LUCIA LETS GO NOW" she finally found a pendant and put it around the small child's neck and she gave him a kiss

"Im so sorry baby" she picks him up out of his arms and they bolt to a room with a glowing golden Portal that sat in a mostly empty area

"Are you sure they'll be waiting" he turns to look at her before heading through the portal

"Absolutely" she kisses her child one last time before heading through the portal to meet a couple on the other side

"Take care of my son" she said as she hands off the baby to the awaiting couple


No not this again

~Present day~

I wake up with tears soaking into my skin and my pillow. I pick my phone up to check the time only to find out it was 3 am. It's like waking up at the devils hour is fitting for me

I try going back to sleep. I forcefully shut my eyes and get rest




That one fucking word is keeping me up like always. I can't fall back asleep so I get dressed and sneak out of the room and go running a couple of blocks to Central Park then back

It's early in the morning and barely anyone is awake besides business men and tourists. I pass by a mother and her two children. I stopped to get a better look at the little girl with brown braids. She was the one who asked about my ears

I chuckled and started running only to stop short again. Something caught my eye and I looked at the girl again and her eyes were bright blue and is hovering a water droplet that fell from the sky with one hand. She's a siren...

Someone bumps into me and knocks me out of my thoughts

"Sorry man I didn't see you" he says picking up my phone to give it back to me

"He looks like he's from California" Ravens a very opinionated person if you can't tell

"Yea" I take my phone from him

"Thanks and don't worry it" I'm throwing this away

He continues to walk the other way with his coffee. It's now 5am and I've taken a break to get myself coffee as well. I have to put buy a new phone on the list of thing I have to do under laundry and cry


I make it back to the tower soaking wet and a bit cold

"Hey Aeron where've you been?" Peter asks me from the kitchen donning an AC/DC shirt and jeans

"Went out for a run, I thought you had school?" I took the slice of pizza out of his hand and he raspberried me

"Everyone was let go because half the teachers and students are out sick"

"Damn. Well I need help with a little project if your willing to accept"

"Hell ya im down what's it about" he finishes eating quickly

"Can't tell you yet it's a surprise but meet me here in 30 I need to get changed"

"Yes sir" he plops down on the couch in the living room while I make my way upstairs

I walk up to James room to tell him im stealing Peter for a while

"James move your lazy ass and open the door" I knock as fast as I can on his door

"Alright, alright Jesus Christ I'm coming" he says while I hear him get up

"Not now but you will be soon" I murmured under my breath

Unfortunately the door swings open the second those words fly out of my mouth

"Oh ya? We'll see about then won't we" he winks and finally looked me up an down and frowned

"Why the hell are you soaking wet?" 

"Because I like taking baths with all my cloths on"

He looked at me for a second then narrowed his eyes

"For fucks sakes I went on a run and it started raining"

"Mhm get your ass in the shower I'll give you some of my clothes" I have a perfectly good shower myself but okay


I do it no questions asked because it's James duh. The hot man with a sexy metal arm. And like always he ruined my shower thoughts

"The clothes are on the sink"

"Thank you"



"Fine you can come in" I know he was waiting for that

He pushed the shower curtain open and roughly pushed me against the wall and pressed his lips to mine while his hands made there way down to grip my ass

I push on his chest lightly telling him to back off

"You alright? Did I go to far? Fuck I should have asked" he ran his hands through his hair

"While I do enjoy kissing you Peters helping me with a project I want to finish"

"Way to go. You just cockblocked yourself"

"Shut it you little rodent"

"And I couldn't give to shits who is waiting" he has both hands trapping my head on either side. He looks me up and down

"God your still hot" he bites his lip

"Aeron if you don't take off his shirt and kiss him I'm going to do it for you"

"Fuck it then"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚗 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢Where stories live. Discover now