Chapter 1: After The Incident

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During the incident at the USJ, Eraserhead fought Shigaraki which ended in several broken bones in both arms and facial fractures. This caused Aizawa to shorten the length of time he's able to use his quirk. Along side the fight with Shigaraki, All Might fought All for one which shattered his right arm and left a few facial wounds. In the end, Tenya managed to gain help from Principle Nezu who brought every pro hero in UA. After the fight with All for one, All Might was forced to retire due to the little sparks left of one for all finally faded.

Shota is still hospitalised and unconscious. Present mic and All Might both took it in turns to take over Aizawa's lessons on top of their own whilst he recovers. Toshinori visited the hero every day after school. Sometimes he'd fall asleep and stay overnight but the hero would never fail to take care of the black rose he brought for Aizawa when he first visited him in the hospital. He was in the middle of telling Shota about his day and how the training is going for the sports festival when Present Mic walked in to check on Eraserhead's progress.

"How is he?" Hizashi asked with a concerned expression.

"He's holding out. The nurses say he should be waking up any minute now." The No.1 hero replied with a neutral tone. All Might couldn't help but worry and have doubts about whether Sho eventually wake up. He cares a great deal for Aizawa.

Yagi stood up from the chair next to the bed and walked over to the rose which was in a water-filled clear vase on the counter next to the bed. He slowly stroked one of the leaf petals with his left index finger.

"You still take care of that rose, All Mighty?" Hizashi asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm hoping to give it to him when he wakes up." Toshi replied with a slightly hopeful tone.

"I'm sure he'll love it. They are his favourite flowers after all." Yamada beamed trying to cheer up Toshinori, noticing his worried expression.

All Might let out a little giggle. "He'd always secretly admire them in the window whenever we would walk past the florist store." Toshi said with a smile appearing on his face from the pleasant memory.

Hizashi looked at his watch, noticing the time, which stated 10 o'clock. "It's getting pretty late. Shall we head back to the dorms?" Mic suggested.

"Huh? Oh. Yes of course." All Might snapped out of his thoughts and walked along side Present Mic to the UA dorms.

"I never thought I would ever see Sho that badly injured." Mic stated slight concerned.

"I'm hoping he'll wake up soon. The students would be delighted to see him." All Might replied just as concerned as Mic.

"ALL MIGHT!! PRESENT MIC!!" Midoriya shouted to both of the hero's as they both walk up to the dorms entrance.

"Young Midoriya!" Toshinori responded, surprised to see him awake at this hour.

"What're doing up this late kiddo? You gotta get your beauty rest for training tomorrow, ya dig??" Mic asked the young boy.

"I was training on my own before I go to bed. How is Mr. Aizawa doing?" Izuku asked, anxiously.

"He's the same. The nurses say he could be waking up any minute." Toshi replied to Midoriya. "Now let's get you to bed, kiddo. You're gonna need all the energy to can get for tomorrow." The hero stated.

"Yes of course!" Deku replied as they all walk into the dorms, Izuku going to his room whilst All Might and Present Mic go to their staff lounge of the dorms.


It's 8:25am in Aizawa's hospital room. One of the nurse was changing the hero's bandages as his eyes slowly flutter open. He carefully looks around the room observing his surroundings. He notices that he's in a hospital bed and the nurse is carefully changing his left arm bandage when he noticed the black rose on the counter.

"A kind man gave that to you whilst you were unconscious." The nurse smiled.

"Do you know who?" Aizawa asked, intrigued.

"All Might, he comes and visits you every night. Sometimes he'd spend the night. He would always look after the flower for you. He seems like a very kind man. You're lucky to have him." The nurse beamed.

"Oh we, uh, we're not dating. Just coworkers." Aizawa corrected with a mild blushed on his face at the thought with a slightly irritated expression.

The nurse finished changing his bandages and asks Shota "Do you need anything Mr. Aizawa?"

"Just a water would be fine, thank you." Aizawa replied grunting in pain as he sat up on the bed. He reached over and grabbed the rose bringing it to his face. He tried his best to smell the rose with the bandages on his face. A small smile appeared on his face, the flower smelt like a peaceful rose garden.

"All Might is one stupidly kind man." Aizawa thought to himself.

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