Chapter 9: The Day After

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Aizawa woke up to his phone ringing and he stretched and picked up his phone. As soon and he saw who it was he answered and held the phone far away from his ear as possible.

"MORRRNINGGGG SHOOO!!!!" Hizashi belted down the phone.

Aizawa groaned and moved the phone closer to his ear. "And morning to you too." He answered in his morning voice.

"Ahh! Just woke up? Had a wild night, eh???" Yamada teased.

Aizawa: "How do you kn-"

"Speaking of that.. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU AND ALL MIGHTY WERE A THING?!!!" Hizashi yelled, annoyed, down the phone.

Aizawa: "Why are YOU mad?"

Hizashi: "I basically made you two a thing and you leave me hanging for 3 DAYS?! Yknow what I could've done 3 days ago??"

Aizawa: "I'm going to regret asking."

Hizashi: "Throw a party! That's what!"

Aizawa: "You better not, Mic!"

Hizashi: "Too late!"

Aizawa: "Mic don't you dare!!"

Hizashi: "What?! You're breaking up!"

Aizawa: "I said don-"

Hizashi: "Wha-"

Present Mic hung up the phone on Shota which made Sho dread going back to the dorms later that day. He turned his head to Toshinori to see that he's wide awake and staring at Sho.

"Mic, huh?" Toshinori asks, curiously.

"Yeah. We're going to go back to the dorms to a party to celebrate our relationship.." Eraser groaned in annoyance, lying back down on the bed. Which Toshinori instantly hugged his torso, cuddling him.

"You're clingy today, Toshinori." Aizawa hugged him back.

Toshi: "But you're so soft and warm."

Sho: "So are you but we have to go back to the dorms before mic calls me back."

"Awe.... but I want to cuddle more.." All Might sadly sat up in the bed as Shota got out of bed.

The two men got dressed and Toshinori packed up everything he brought into his bag as they both signed out of the hotel and headed for the UA dormitories.

As they walked to the front door, they were greeted by Hizashi running up to both of them, hugging them as tight as possible. "SO HAPPY YOU TWO ARE TOGETHERRrrrr" Zashi's voice was silenced as Eraser activated his quirk because of Hizashi accidentally activating his quirk.

Sho: "It's too early for me to be using my quirk, idiot."

Toshi: "Are you okay? Do you need eye drops?"

Sho: "I'm fine. Thanks though."

Zashi: "Ahh! You're just mad you didn't get to cuddle more, yo!"

Shota angrily stared at Present Mic.

Zashi: "Oh shit..."

Yamada ran into the dorms with Aizawa running after him and Yagi walking in afterwards. Both Sho and Toshinori paused at the front door as all of class 1A suddenly appearing.


Midoriya ran up to Aizawa and All Might crying with joy. "My two teaching getting in a relationship together! I knew you two could do it!"

Bakugo followed behind him. "Tssk! .... About time, dumbass."

Kirishima soon followed. "So manly!!"

Denki: "So happy for you both! Although I thought you two were already in a relationship.."

Everyone showered them both with praise as Mic took behind them smirking at Aizawa. Hizashi's eyes were met with an pouting Aizawa, glaring at him as he knows that Shota is going to beat his ass later.

The party went on for until the afternoon. Toshinori ate a lot of food whilst Aizawa was trying to stop himself from tying Hizashi up. Mic, All Might and Eraser went to there rooms for the rest of the day. Yamada did his radio show whilst Sho and Toshi cuddled in their bed. They were both happy that everyone knows, however, Aizawa was worried about what was going to happen next when the media finds out. This would make him well known everywhere which not only damages him as a hero but since he doesn't like the media and isn't used to them, it leaves him vulnerable to the hate of everyone's reaction.

But the question is, how will everyone react?

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