Chapter 5: He Does What?

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Toshinori woke up to the smell of a delicious breakfast as he got out of bed and stretched. He walked out of the door and saw Shota cooking an English Breakfast and Hizashi sat on the couch smiling at something on his phone.

"Are you cooking breakfast, Aizawa?" Toshi asks the younger man.

"Yeah, I thought it'll be a nice change since you always cook for us." Aizawa replied, concentrated.

"Yeah and tooootally isn't more than a nice gesture towards All Mighty." Hizashi teased the eraser hero. Aizawa slowly turned his head towards the voice hero with an annoyed expression but with a faint blush on his face.

"Thank you, it smells delicious." All Might replied sitting on the couch with mic.

Aizawa went back to dishing up the food as his blush turned from pink to red.

~~~~~~~~{Time Skip: They ate}~~~~~~~~

Toshi grabbed everyone's empty plated and went to the sink to wash them. "Thank you, Aizawa. That was delicious."

"N-No problem. I'm glad you liked it." Aizawa fidgeted with his hero outfit sleeve as mic slid of the couch closer to Shota and whispered "is he making you nervous, Shota?"

Shota shot up from his seat as his face went bright red. "Not at all! Don't be ridiculous! We should get going, we don't want to be late." Said defensively as he walked out of the dorms. Toshinori washed his hands and followed Eraserhead with Yamada shortly following behind.

Just before Toshi arrived at class 1A to teach them, Hizashi stopped him and asked "is it really not obvious to you about Aizawa?"

"No, is he okay? Is he injured??" Yagi asked, worriedly.

Present mic giggled "No he's fine. I'll talk to you about it after class. Won't want to keep the kids waiting any longer.

"Ah, yes." All Might puffed up as him and mic said there goodbyes.


All Might walked into the office and deflated as he sat at his desk. A particular memory of class that keeps interrupting his concentration.

Aizawa walked into the class at the end of the lesson as he had to tell All Might a message from Tsukauchi. As Aizawa left, All Might was greeted by the Mina Kaminari smirking at him as he looked back as them confused. Mina spoke up "You two finally got together, huh?"

Toshinori blushed slightly. "N-No Young Ashindo. We're just co-workers."

Mina and Denki looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"So manly to love another man!" Kirishima cried tears of happiness.

"Glad to see another member of my community." Aoyama winked at him.

As the class was already dismissed, the class walked out of the classroom but Bakugo and Midoriya were lagging behind. Bakugo walked up to All Might before leaving, "Just don't be gross around me, dumbass."

Deku followed behind him saying, "I'm happy to see you're finally in a relationship, All Might!"

Even Young Midoriya suggested that him and Aizawa were in a romantic relationship even though it was strictly professional. Toshinori grunted in annoyance.

"Something wrong, Dawg?" Hizashi asked him.

"Ever since that news article about me and Aizawa came out. Everyone thinks that me and him are dating when are relationship is strictly professional."

"Well, I don't blame them if you saw how different he acts around you then everyone else. Plus, strictly professional? So your telling me that you've not thought about him in that way at all?" Mic asked, not buying it.

All Might blushed slightly. "Well.. I have thoughts of asking him out but I don't want to make him feel pressured to say yes. And I don't think he'd feel that way with me."

Mic laughed. "Next time you talk to Shota, look at the way he looks at you carefully. You might find something you like, ya dig??"


Aizawa walked into the office and up to All Might, "Are you ready to leave?"

All Might looked at Aizawa and tried to analyse is facial expression. His eyes looked more relaxed. He had a slight smile on his face. His cheeks had a very faint shade of pink over them. Toshi remembered how Aizawa looks at Mic.

Eyes look stressed. Is eyebrows turned downwards making him have an annoyed looking expression. Is skin looks as pale as it normally is as he frowned.

The realisation hit him like a truck as he sat in his seat in shock.
"All Might?" Toshinori snapped out of his thoughts and shot up out of his seat,
"Y-Yes. Let's go."
'Maybe I should ask him on a date' All Might thought to himself.

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