Chapter 2: He's Awake

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As All Might woke up, he felt a sharp pain in his back as he sat up. He realised that he fell asleep on the couch, however, Present Mic put a blanket over him when he fell asleep last night. All Might grabbed his phone to check the time which read 8:30am which he then noticed that he had a miss call off of Tsukauchi and he immediately rang him back.

"All Might!" The detective answered.

"Tsukauchi! Did you find anything?" All Might asked, restlessly.

"All Might, it's Eraserhead." Tsukauchi stated.

"Aizawa?! Is he okay?!" Toshinori worriedly asked.

"He's awake and he is in a fit condition for visitors." He replied, happily.

"That's great news! Thank you so much Tsukauchi." All Might joyfully said. The No.1 hero and the detective said their goodbyes as Yagi hung up the phone as Present Mic spoke up.

"Everything okay?" Mic asked, hopefully.

"Aizawa is awake and in a stable condition." Toshi replied. He wanted to visit him really badly, however, he had classes to teach that day.

"I know what you're thinking, All Mighty. I can let the principal know that you're taking the day off. That way you can spend the day with Sho." Hizashi suggested.

"Are you sure that won't put pressure on the other staff?" All Might stated his concerns.

"I'm sure it's fine. Now go and see your boyfriend, ya dig?!" Present Mic teased All Might.

All Might blushed slightly. "He's not my boyfriend, Mic." He replied slightly irritated as he stood up. All Might got ready for the day and said to Yamada as he was leaving for the hospital. "Thank you, Mic. I appreciate this."

"No problem, dawg. Now go one, you don't want to keep him waiting." Hizashi said with a wink.

Toshinori rolled his eyes giggling as he got into the taxi and headed to the hospital. As he arrived, he was greeted by the nurses who took him to Aizawa's room. The nurse went back to their desk. Toshi took one deep breathe and knocked on the door as he slowly opened the door as he entered the room.

Aizawa looked over and a smile grew on his face, and put the rose back on the counter, as he saw All Might. The two hero's stared at each other, nervous of what to say next.

"Nice rose." Aizawa spoke up.

"Ah, yeah! I-uh. I got that for you whilst you were unconscious. I know you love black roses." Toshi replied.

"I know, the nurse told me. You really visited me everyday?" Aizawa asked, anxiously.

"Yes of course. I would tell you about the students every time I visited." Toshi replied.

"How are the students? And shouldn't you be in class?" Shota asked.

"They're preparing for the sports festival and Mic got me to take the day off to uh.. visit.. you." All Might nervously stated.

"Of course Mic would." Aizawa smirked, rolling his eyes. "The nurses said that they just need to take off my facial bandages and I'd be discharged. I.. suppose I owe you a drink." Aizawa said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

All Might chuckled. "I'd love to but I can't drink. We could go out for a meal if you haven't eaten yet." He suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Aizawa accepted. The bandages hid not only a massive smile on the mans face but a light blush across his cheeks.


The nurses was able to take off his facial and hand bandages but his arms had need a longer time to heal fully. Aizawa walked out of the hospital with Toshi, holding the rose in his hand which he'd secretly smell every now and then. Toshinori took him back to the dorms where him and Mic took over Aizawa's room. The first think the eraser hero noticed was 2 more bedrooms with All Might's and Present Mic's nameplate on them. "Looks like you're staying here with me for now on."

"Yeah, principal Nezu was able to pull some strings. Let me put the rose in a vase for you." Yagi said as he grabbed a vase he bought yesterday and filled it with water. He carefully placed the rose in the vase. He turned around and a red tone flushed his cheeks as he saw Aizawa standing there in a black suit with a blue striped tie.

"H-How do I-uh.. how do I look?" Shota asked nervously.

"Y-you look fantastic, Aizawa. Let me get ready and we'll get going." Toshi hesitated as he left to his room and changed from his yellow suit which he always wears to school to a suit he got last week which fits his skinny form. He left his room and greeted Aizawa.

"You got a fitted suit?" Aizawa admired.

All Might blushed slightly. "Yeah, I.. thought it might make me feel more confident with my skinny form."

"You look great. Aizawa stated. "So which restaurant was you thinking of going to?" He asked, curious.

"There's a new local sushi place that I was thinking of trying out." Toshi said as they both walked out of the dorms.

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