PROLOGUE, saying goodbye

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Delaney never once thought that her dream of becoming a famous singer would actually come true. That was until she posted a video of her and Austin singing her first song she ever wrote on her YouTube channel and she became a overnight sensation.

That was all thanks to Austin. He was the one who encouraged her to post a video. Austin agreed to help her out with the backup vocals and guitar playing while Dez recorded the two since he knew more about cameras and stuff than Austin and Delaney. 

People loved her, and not just just her, they loved Austin as well. More importantly though they loved them both together. There were many comments on the video for the two of them to sing more songs together and even requests to sing covers of different songs. There were also quite a few comments that said they looked cute together and thought they might even be a couple. Austin and Delaney didn't think much of those comments and went on with their lives. Although things were kind of awkward between them after they read those comments.

Their feelings for each other aren't brought to the surface until they're away from each other in different states. Saying goodbye to her parents were really hard, so was saying goodbye to Dez, but she didn't realize how hard it was to say goodbye to Austin. She was saying goodbye to her childhood best friend. The boy she grew up together and has lived next to her whole life.

Things would be so different with her living in New York. That's right, she's moving to New York because she was signed to a music record label named Mustastic Labels. Mustastic Labels was one of the best music record labels in New York. She was honored that they even thought she was good enough to be signed to a music record label. 

It was a Saturday morning when Delaney said goodbye to Austin. She had to get on a flight soon since her aunt and uncle wanted her to get there in the weekend so she would have time to settle in and they could show her around. 

"I can't believe you're leaving." Austin said, his lips formed into a frown. He looks at Delaney, who sat next to him on the couch in his living room. "Nothing will be the same with you gone."

"I know." Delaney sighs, her shoulders dropping in defeat. "At least this won't be permanently. I mean, I'll be back at some point. I just don't really know when."

"Well, um, I decided to get you something," Austin admits, getting a small box from the pocket of the leather jacket he wore. "For, like, a goodbye gift." He felt like he needed to get Delaney something. Something to let her know how proud he is of her and how happy he is for her.

He handed the small box to Delaney. It's clique but they didn't miss the fact they felt a spark when their fingers brushed against each other as the box was being handed to Delaney. Delaney opens the box, gasping upon seeing a beautiful silver heart locket necklace. 

What touched her even more was the fact it was the one she looked at the other day in the store when she was hanging out with Austin at the mall. She couldn't stop gushing about how beautiful it looked and the fact that she doesn't normally wear jewelry but would definitely wear that necklace all the time. She couldn't believe that he remembered because that was months ago.

"I remembered you liking the necklace so much and, honestly, I thought of you when I saw it." He rubs the back of his neck nervously, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks. "Because of how beautiful it is." 

Delaney looks at him with surprise, feeling her face heat up. He basically just called her beautiful. He never called her that. Sure, he called her cute and pretty from time to time, but that was it and it didn't really mean much. But this time felt different. Maybe because of the fact Delaney is aware of her growing feelings for the boy beside her.

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