CHAPTER FOUR, silver shoes

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The group has been trying their best to get the shoes off Austin's feet, but they haven't had any luck. Delaney was just glad the room they were in cleared out before this happened because otherwise they would've gotten into serious trouble.

"We have to get these shoes off before we get busted." Austin said.

"Yeah, people will think you're a thief." Ally spoke.

"Yeah, you can't have that kind of bad publicity." Trish chimed in.

Dez grabs some pliers. "How about we cut the shoes off?"

Finn's eyes widen. "Where did you get those?"

"Dez, no." Ally looks at Dez with diseblief. "We can't damage the shoes. They're the only pair in the world. They must be worth, like, a million dollars."

Delaney sends her a small glare. "We also can't hurt Austin!" Austin nodded in agreement with a panicked look on his face.

"Right, that too." Ally nodded.

"Is it me, or do they just keep getting prettier and prettier?" Trish asked, referring to the silver heels and smiled at them.

"Guys, what are we gonna do?" Austin inquired.

"Well, if we can't cut the shoes off, there's only one option left." Dez replies. "Austin, we're cutting off your feet."

Austin's eyes widen with fear and he quickly got up and ran away from Dez. "Stay away from me."

"Dez," Delaney huffs in annoyance, taking the pliers away from Dez. "We're not cutting off his feet." Dez pouts and his shoulders dropped in defeat.

"She's right. If we do that, we'll get blood all over the shoes and they'll be worthless." Trish pointed out. Austin looked at her with offense.

Delaney facepalms. "And Austin won't have any feet." Austin pointed at her in a sign of agreement, glaring at his other friends.

"Well, yeah, that too." Trish nodded and Delaney rolled her eyes. Sure she thought the shoes were cool and all, but in the end they were just a pair of shoes. Delaney thought they weren't worth cutting off Austin's feet and she couldn't believe the girls cared more about the shoes than Austin.

"What if we all try to pull them off together?" Ally suggested.

Everyone agreed and Austin held onto the wall, putting out his foot and after Ally grabbed onto the foot, the others grabbed onto her and they all pulled on the count of three. But on the count of three, Dez, who was at the end, lost grip and fell backwards into a nearby display. They all gasped, watching the scene with wide eyes.

"This isn't good." Delaney muttered and Finn nodded in agreement. They quickly ran over to the display as Dez stood and while they all panicked, they did their best to pick up the display. Ally picked up the head that fell off the manequin, handing it to Austin for him to put on.

Austin and Dez scream, staring at it with wide eyes and the blonde-haired boy threw the head back to Ally before he jumps into Dez's arms. Delaney rolled her eyes. "Oh my gosh. It's just a fake head." Then when Trish picked up the horse head and threw it at the two boys they screamed again. Delaney rolled her eyes and helped stable the mannequin when Trish accidentally bumped into it while Finn helped Ally set up the fence that was knocked over.

Dez sets Austin down and the two boys put the horse's head back on, but in a state of panic they put it on the human mannequin instead of the horse. When the tour guide walked back to the room with an upset look on his face, everyone quickly got into natural positions. Ally and Finn leaned against the fence while Trish had her hand on her hip and one behind her head. Dez laid on the floor in front of Austin to cover his feet, Delaney rested her elbow on Austin's shoulder, smiling nervously at the tour guide, and Austin stood still, holding onto his jacket.

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