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Assalamualaikum and Hey my lovely readers.

Urm nothing much to say here, but I really need ur oppinion.

As we all know BSL already reach end chap and my target in wattpad only to finish BBM and BSL and then I will take a rest. A long rest i guess.

I masuk dlm dunia wp ni just nak isi masa lapang I, plus nak asah bakat sahaja.

And here's the main point, some of you ada yang dm I personally, gave me ur review and ofc ada yg minta i write story about Syed Noah Muhammad Rizqish means we gonna have TM 3 cast by Noah and her heroin.

I just wanna ask, do you want me to write about Noah and her heroin ?

To all my lovely and beloved silent readers, i dont care if you read my story and dont even vote it cause my tujuan in wp not for vote, followers and be famous. But i really need you guys to gave your answers. Do you want Noah story?

Kalau jawapan yg diberikan tidak mencapai target I then I will take down all of my book in wp. I wanna take a long rest and focus on my kolej.

Kalau nak story Noah then just comment okey ! I really need comment from each of you. If tak nak comment then its okey.

Ada yg tanya, kalau nak rehat just rest la. Tak payah take down ur acc.

So jawapan i is tau tak sekarang ada ramai ulat nama copycat ? I penat ii write all my story. Fikir ayat and plot then senang ii you guys je nak plagiat my work. Its enough. Cukup BBM je pernah kena plagiat. I tak nak benda sama berulang. So the best way is take down all of my book.

So comment okey ? I really need ur answers. Buat apa nak sambung buat story Noah if tak de siapa nak baca right ? So keputusan ditangan anda.

I already write plot about Noah and his heroin. Not gonna lie but antara all of my TM series, i really love Noah storyline. So yeap hehe. Oh btw nama heroin Noah, Cinta Armada Tristen. Saja nak cakap. Mwah <33

For all yg comment thnk you so much.

Stay safe y'all ! Lots of love from me ! <<//33

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