Chapter 8

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Amelia's POV

"Come hurry up" Enrico yelled at us.

"Now is the right time?" Nicolo asked, watching at his watch.

"Here we are, where is Amelia" Pius asked as he looked at the stairs.

"Don't you understand that girls need more time to get ready than we do?" Cinet said with a little smirk.

"To those other girls, not to me," I said as I walked down the stairs.

"Really, Sis" He winked at me. I rolled my eyes. I saw Nicolo stunned that none of that could be imagined.

"Wait a minute, Amelia where are you going? Will you take her too? I have said that we will not take on her on our missions" Nicolo was very angry.

"Listen, Nicolo, this is not a dangerous thing. If there is such an accident, we will never take her. We promise we won't let her get in trouble. She has a little work to do so we have to take her with us." Enrico explained to Nicolo.

"Well then, if anything happens, I'll take care of it," Nicolo said threateningly.

"Now that we are all gone, Aurora is alone, isn't she?" Wendy was the one who reminded us all.

"Yes, but what to do now?" Pius asked.

"Amelia and Enrico must go and Wendy's arrival is also essential. We both have to go because there is a safe to open. Andrea said that she would come there" Cinet explained the whole situation.

"Let's do this. Nicolo, you don't have to come. You have nothing to do today. Don't waste your time on a small task like this and we can handle this easily. You can stay home and make our plan for the master mission. I think that is very important. So, you can stay at home." Enrico was right.

"Wtf, I'm the leader of this gang, are you telling me to stay at home?" He asked in his husky voice.

"No, I meant if you like" Enrico was skeptical of his idea.

"Alright, do you think you can work without me? Let's see today if you can do that" Nicolo challenged us that way. I think it was the first time he had endorsed someone else's idea.

"Here we go," I said as I waved to Nicolo. In fact, I did it for pleasure. But since Nicolo was not on the mission, there was a little loneliness. Nicolo went to the room to make the plan of the master mission. Meanwhile, Aurora woke up. She came downstairs.

"Isn't there anyone?" She thought, looking at the deserted living room and the kitchen. She went to the kitchen because she wanted to eat something. While she was looking for something to eat, she saw a letter under a bottle in the pantry.

"Today we are all going on a mission. Nicolo is the only one at home. If you want to eat something, take anything you like out of the fridge and eat. You can do whatever you want. I think the clothes I gave you were enough. Stay happy.


Aurora read the massage I left. "Sweet girl" there was a lovely smile on her face.

"I'm tired of being inside the house and want to go out a bit" She went to the door, thinking so. She had not seen the surroundings since she arrived there at night.

"Woow, this house is in the middle of a large estate. Damn! This looks like a small jungle. I need to take a walk" she stepped out of the house like a bird in search of freedom. She climbed the small hill along a path lined with two rows of poplar trees. There was a beautiful meadow on the hill. And there was a huge oak tree on that lawn. She gently rubbed the trunk of the tree. She leaned against the big tree and sat at the foot of it. The basin was clearly visible to her whereabouts. It was an extremely beautiful view. I also loved being there since I was a kid. Just as she was sitting under the oak tree, slight darkness began to spread all around. She didn't know that raindrops that were adding up the cold were an invitation to a great storm. She got up from where she was sitting and went to the slope in front of her to enjoy the comfort of the falling raindrops. She had a strange feeling when she saw the raindrops falling on her palm and dancing. Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck a tree on the other side of the hill. Aurora's heart rate greatly increased.

N@Aजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें