Chapter three

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Marcus was lost in thought when he heard his door slam shut.
He looked up frowning, as if his migraine was not bad enough now he had to actually deal with people..

The sight in front of him made him let smug smile despite his killer headache
To what did he owe the pleasant surprise, he wondered

" Welcome..?" He said in a questioning tone.. letting her know he wasn't expecting her

She was still glaring daggers at him. Her fists clenched, her jaw ticking.. she hated that smug smile. she took steps towards the desk..
After seeing him again after years .. she didn't expect herself to be this bold..

" Cut the crap Marcus.. "

" Oh..!?"

She rolled her eyes at his obvious attempt to act innocent and surprised

" You can't do that to the orphanages.." she said

He Rose his brow.. his slender fingers drumming on the table..
he had to take care of that migraine, he thought
Meanwhile he was quiet.. and his drumming and silence annoyed River, he definitely was doing it on purpose

About to snap at him.. she heard the door Creek and a new scent filled the air.. of course by now she didn't have to turn, after the encounter earlier she took note of the enticing sandalwood and cedar .. slightly lavenders scent..
She frowned, what was with men and their colognes, as if she wasn't having enough of Marcus's Cinnamon

" I didn't know that's why you visited.. I thought it was a harmless visit.." Marcus said his voice calm and collected.. you wouldn't know he was having a headache and it almost killing him

" I don't want your sister's money or whatever.. just leave the orphanages. "

" I don't keep business that don't have profits.."

" They're not supposed to.." River rolled her eyes

Marcus laughed.. there was nothing genuine about the laugh

" look.. when you were coming here.. you must have thought, there's a sisera in me.. you are wasting your time.."

" Clearly.. you are very opposite.." she said in a same menacing tone.

" Well.. it's my money.. I can do shit with it, and you are..?" He gave her that smug smile

Not expecting her to also give a humourless chuckle.., he frowned

" Your money.. !? That's rich.. considering I'm the rightful heir.."

Marcus glared at her.. she didn't know if it was possible to see that amount of emotions flush his face.. one stuck for long
Disgust.. and hatred

" Rightful..!?.. what makes you think so.. you will never be a Johannes.. never!" His voice low.. menacing.. dangerous

Her heart not only broke .. it dropped a bit..
Why .. she wondered, why did he despise her so much

" And still.. I'm the heir. And I say, charities stay" she managed a  calm unaffected demeanor

" You think, I would let my sister's hard worked income fall into a murderer's hands..?"

That question sent her off guard..
Instead of fuming her insides, she burned with pain..

" I should know since you killed her.. that's pathetic Marcus.. how could you..?" The break in her voice was definitely coming ahead.. so she stopped speaking

Marcus glared at her.. " do you know the circumstances of making baseless assumptions..?"

She leaned by the table.. " baseless..? I would definitely have proof for it if you didn't go ahead and killed the doctor.. so where is the autopsy report Marcus.. ?"

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