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" Dallas "

" why...?"

It was that morning that Arden had come up with the most obnoxious idea...

" It is time.." Arden said washing her mug after emptying the rest into the sink

' oh so she too can't finish her tea?'

" Time for what...?" In the mid of her surprise she had managed to push that plate of waffles away. So unlike her

" You are ready, we shan't waste more time..."

" Why.. why are you speaking as some cult leader!?, And I'm I not supposed to decide when I'm ready?"

" Candy it's been three years... Are you scared..."

Candice scoffed..." Ha... Very funny!"

" I am serious! "

Candice sighed...

"You know..." Arden started" I promised Sisera---

" I know... I know, how can I forget?" Candice said

It was true.... She could never forget, it was that time when Arden made a suggestion to see a psychiatrist

" You might have sheltered me for few months but you can not make decisions about me...."

The amount of daggers river sent with her meanest eyes was enough to freeze anyone right now, but remembering Sisera's words gave her strength

' she might occasionally give you mean glares and mean comments ...but it's defense mechanism. Learn to find her soft spot.'

"And I hate the name Candice..., I will never wear those hideous contacts.."

Arden took a breath and smiled

" I know.. but Sisera would have loved this..."

" How are you to know what she would have liked!??" She shouted at her and run to her room

Oh well ... Wrong spot.

However what changed River's mind that night wasn't Arden's soft words. No, if it was anything...
It was that man

" Are you going to work... Or are you babysitting again..."

River was just about to get in the dinning when she heard that.
It wasn't the first time she heard Edward spat her name so venomously. What was his deal anyways...? She had always wondered
She hated him too eitherways

" River is not a child..." Came Arden's not usual soft voice.

" She begs to differ..." Came Edward's Irish accent.
River would forever hate all Irish because of a particular red head

" She is just passing through a tough time.... And she needs all the support she can get "

" Are we her parents?"

" Edward!"

" She is not your child...!, Stop this obsession with other person's lads and finally make yours.... If you can"

After that it was silent...
River could only imagine the look on Arden's face.

She decided against dinner that day.

When she was back in her room, his words kept ringing in her ears, And for some reason it bothered her.
This had become a routine, She was now used to it.

Outside, everyone viewed Arden Clifford and Edward Duke as the prodigal couple, prince charming and princess perfect.
But she knew what happened indoors.
She had stayed there long enough to know it was a love marriage alright....
So what was wrong...? You'd ask
After five years of fighting to get a child Edward changed.
Outside they would hold hands ... Attend charities , parties and dance as royals. Take as many pictures as they could, go to interviews and TV shows...
But indoors he'd say the most hurtful things to her.
And she...
Would say nothing.

At first River cared less,after all she'd be out of their noses soon .
but today why did it bother her? How could he be so brutal. Did he know how words hurt?
If he didn't...
She was determined to show him

She didn't sleep that night.

The next morning she found Arden in her nightgown. Still glamourous as ever, but her eyes betraying her deepest worries
She joined her for tea. That was the first time, that explained Arden's happy face...

" This psychiatrist.... Is she good?"

Arden was flabbergasted

" Pardon?"

" Can I really get better?" River went on...

" River.? Are you okay?"

" Candice doesn't seem bad at all" River was even surprised, she was doing this herself...She had to stop this stupid charade, but that was the problem... She didn't want to stop...

Tears formed in Arden's eyes

" Let's start today..."

Arden nodded..." Yes... Yes, thank you so much for agreeing to this"

River scoffed " some people get happy easily "

But deep down she too was happy to see her reaction. Arden would never know though she did this for her

" One more thing Does red head have anything against me..?"

Before Arden answered River added

" Because I do.."

Arden smiled... " Me too"

So today three years later, it was the same Arden that stood Infront of her telling her they were to go back to America and start their mission.
She now saw it clearly...
She was scared.

" What if they see through me...?"

Arden moved close and held her hand.

" Then they will see me" Arden  said. After all everything she taught her was to be like her... So if anyone was to notice they would see a mini Arden.

" I'm scared... I'm sorry I lied . I'm hella  scared"

Arden pulled her into a hug

" Me too... Me too baby"

Hit that
Blacsolá 🖤
Love heals ♥️

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