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" And here I was thinking that Arden the great would take us first class..."

" Charming... Get settled"

Candice lazily pushed the massive suitcase in their new home. When she arrived the huge room filled with boxes she assumed this was the living room.
She sat on one of the boxes and started fanning herself.

" I don't understand why you'd need three very huge suitcases while we all know you'd just shop again" Candice complained since she had carried almost all of Arden's suitcases since she only had one bag

" Oh come on... It is not that much.."
Arden said

Candice rolled her eyes happy that atleast she had managed to hide the hat collection suitcase before leaving London

" Mother said she would send more on cheewsday" Arden said walking around making sure she had all her bags present

Candice sighed shaking her head she'd never get used to her accent

" It's Tues-- wait there's more!?"

" Mmm.." Arden was still distracted looking for something

" What is it?"

" My designer hats..."Arden whined

Candice scrunched her face, but quickly covered it up with a sympathetic look when Arden turned

" I'm sure they are here somewhere" she said

Arden sighed... " You're right I should just shop more..."

Candice dropped her jaw " that's not what I said..."

Arden smiled " don't worry, a few will nott kill"

Candice sighed

" We didn't take first class because Marcus might be trying to track us down..."

" Why?"

" Ofcourse he must be nervous, he does not know when we are coming, or who is coming... So he is on his toes" Arden said opening up some boxes taking out some flowers

" You packed flowers!?" Candice rose her brow surprised

" I couldn't just leave my babies..."

"They sell flowers in America too you know?" Candice pointed out

" Mmm... I will buy more"

" Arden !" Candice sighed " nevermind, so you must know Marcus alot to make all those conclusions"

Arden turned and smiled at her " let's just say, old habits die hard"

Candy roses her brow suggestively "you know, I already know about you and Sisera..."

" Why do I feel there is a but coming?" Arden asked

" But Marcus...?"

Arden smiled" we weren't the best of friends, I told you that d'nt I?"

Candice rolled her eyes " Oh I'm sure there's more"

" What kind of more?"

" Oh you know, the unrequited love" Candice said dramatically

Arden laughed " I think I should cut down your Netflix for a while"

Candice pouted

" There's is nothing more Candy I promise, I mean he hated me and I still think he is a major arse.."

" Why he didn't take you to prom? " Candice teased opening a bottle of water and drinking a sip

" Oh he did take me to prom "

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