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London's weather was cliché

Wednesdays were never supposed to be this gloomy.
Arden had to wake up in the middle of the night to pull an extra duvet.

As she was about to go back to sleep she immediately thought of Candice

" I suppose she could use an extra blanket too..." She yawned dropping off the bed wearing her bunny slippers, she  picked a fluffy pink sweater

Upon the memory of Candice in her white sweater she smiled

Baby steps

Well after recalling how passive Candice was in sharing cloths and invading of personal space..

" Ah...my baby all grown up"

She paused by the door when she heard sniffles.
Her hand which was about to knock paused mid air

She knew how uncomfortable candy was when other people heard Her cry, Arden leaned by the door listening to her quiet sobs...

Ofcourse she knew this would happen.. it happened every year around this time.

And each time she would be hopeless, she could not help her despite the trying

On the first year, she had threw away Everything around her and turned as violent as a mama eagle protecting her nest. She was so violent that Arden worried for her

After many days ... She was so drained and couldn't cry anymore
Arden recalled that day very well
Candy had come from her room and sat opposite to her by the kitchen table.

" Tea?"

She had nodded

There was that look on her face after the first sip... But she didn't complain
When she was done with her tea she tilted her head left

" Barbie?"

Arden laughed... " I knew I would love you "

That was the first time they spoke
And that was so.. no one said it was easier. Candice was definitely not a people's person

" You can not hit people for for fun... That is so unladylike and improper..."

Arden felt as if she was raising a child. Especially when Edward was so unsupportive

But after a year it was almost okay, it was as if Candice could not live without Arden at all... Though still she hated to be seen crying, something told Arden that would never change

As Candy grew closer Edward grew further...
But that's a story for another day

Arden too had her tough times... Its not like she wouldn't wake up in the mid of the night having a nightmare about Sisera out of the blue
It was tough
But she knew it was tougher to Candy

" I want to kill them... All of them.."

The first therapy session wasn't very long. Since that was the only thing Candice said
And the following...
And the following...
And so.......

Now... What changed? You would ask, absolutely nothing. The urge is still there... Just that she was a better person now

" The minute you flinch  when they make skin contact they will know it is you... They must"

" I can not let anyone touch me... I just can't..."

"I'll change you... I promise you "

And that she did, not only psychological... But also physical
There was that figure... Of course the gym helped
She was completely a new person

She heaved a sigh.

Walking back to her room she felt heavy at heart...
" I'm hurting too.. won't you talk to me?"

When she was in her room a single tear dropped
" I do worry... Alas! Isn't she cold?"

She pulled herself into bed...
After a long time, the sobs seized
And she fell asleep

Candice slept in...

As usual, toast woke her up. When she got down Arden was brewing tea

" Jesus!.. she's at it again.."

When Arden turned and met Candice she smiled... And resisted the urge to point out her swollen eyes and messy hair in the kitchen
Today was different

" Good morning "

Candice made an attempt to smile but the thought of the tea...
Oh the tea...

" Do you have to make everything you dress up beautiful?"

Arden smiled " you are too kind..."

Candy pulled a chair " kind? Have they laid a new definition of that word..."

After eating toast and pouring tea when Arden was not watching she got up
Arden was already in her black lacy dress and high heeled boots
So Candice went on to put on hers
Thanking God it was simple

It was raining softly now so they had to put on coats

" Mom and dad must be waiting.. let's just go"

In the mid way they had to stop for coffee.. because the London traffic was unforgiving

It was official, Candice hated the rain

" How are you holding up?"

Candice watched the rain drops down the window
She shrugged

Arden sighed... " Don't you think it's hard for me too... It's like I'm loosing everyone.. and Edward, how I'm I even facing mom and dad they still hate me... I... I'm supposed to be this perfect child, but now I have a failed marriage... Cee please talk to me..."

Candy noticed they had now pulled Infront of St John's cathedral
She was quiet for a while and as Arden was opening the door

" Bullshite..!"

Arden looked at her.., recalling how many times she had told her cursing was unladylike

" Screw perfect... Just be Arden for me... The one who makes terrible tea for me when I'm down.... I love that Arden."

Arden's heart swelled " thanks, that really means alot.."

Candy smiled back

Arden liked her twisted way of comforting, it was terrible... But felt nice surprisingly

" Wait.. did you say terrible tea..?"

But Candice was already running out

" River Johannes... Get your arse back here..."

" Shhhh.. one would say you are calling for the dead..." Candice said winking at her

Arden feigned a frown... But surprisingly today felt better than any year

" She's almost ready"

Ilovey'all ❤️
Blacsolá 🖤
Hit that ⭐

The launch for captain perfect is almost ready ☺️♥️

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