chapter seven

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James kept his side of the promise, he took her to the hospital and escorted the ambulance. She really did stay long at the hospital.. that too unconscious
There are times when she'd open her eyes lazily she would see James at the chair
She would offer small smiles but she would slip back into unconsciousness before speaking a word

At first .. James was too surprised and maybe too shocked, but the doctor made it clear to him that due to the wound on her head she'll be sleeping in and out of comma..
As if that made him feel any better.. after realizing the amount of bones and ribs she broke in addition to the virtual comma he momentarily hated his uncle and Laurence

Of course Laurence never tried to break the silent treatment he was receiving because he knew James couldn't stay that long without speaking to him.
But after first three months.. he begun to worry about his friendship which was on a thin line

Marcus on his side acted as normal.. he didn't attend the mass funeral for the kids who lost their lives in the fire and fulfilled his promise of reducing charity and workers..
Despite his pessimism, the business grew.. both his and Sisera's. How ever people wondered why he hasn't taken any steps in merging them.
Further more.. offers, investors and invitations still flowed in no matter his pessimism

That day when River was taken to ER,  he only called Laurence and said one word..

" Overboard.."

Since then, no one had mentioned what happened to River that day.

Laurence felt a little bit of guilt.. he wasn't the type of person who acted irrationally.
But what could he have possibly done...? Wasn't he looking for his sister for ten years now.. and when he does.., she's dead..?

Again he'd ask himself..Was he even supposed to feel sorry for the girl who mudered his only family left behind?

Marcus had promoted few workers whose work seemed promising. Among .. Laurence and James were in high positions
despite all his current worries James managed to do his work and submit everything in time.. although he was never present in meetings or at work.. but his work never lagged behind

Today wasn't any different.. there was a meeting and James wasn't around..
After the meeting with the board Marcus had his own meeting with Laurence and ... well, James

" Why don't you talk to him.." Laurence said casually..

Marcus ignored his statement and begun reviewing some papers..

" Should I talk to him instead?" Laurence asked after thirty minutes of reviewing graphs

" Do you want to pick a fight Laurence?"Marcus asked calmly

Laurence shrugged.." I'm just saying he's drifting.."

" I wonder why..?" Marcus said casually with a hint of sarcasm

Laurence narrowed his eyes at him..
" She killed my sister.. are we perhaps forgetting that..?"

" I am not discussing this with you King... Let's get to work"Marcus said

Laurence scoffed.. " so she's in the hospital your nephew gives us suddenly a silent treatment and you chicken out..?"

Marcus rose his brow.. " suddenly.. ?"

" Tell me Marcus.. are you going to apologize next?" Laurence asked blankly

Marcus chuckled.. " King... You humour me"

Laurence glared at him..

" Look here Laurence.. when you did what you did you saw this coming..
Why didn't you wait for my orders.. was it because ofyour sister? Did she come back to life after what you did?"

Laurence sighed.. " I saw red that day.."

" Good thing I'm colour blind.." Marcus shrugged

Laurence glared at him

" Well I'm not a hypocrite.. I told you that I think you went overboard.. nevertheless the things she did... She's still a girl, you had to respect that Laurence" Marcus shrugged


" Let's get back to the meeting " Marcus cut off the topic.

When they were half way done..the door was pushed open slowly and James walked in. As if it was the most normal thing he also picked up the file an begun reading it through..

Surprised by his sudden appearance Laurence thought of asking him why he came.. he was always at the hospital.. but remembering their rough path currently he kept quiet.

As if Marcus read his mind he casually said while reading a file as if he was speaking about the today's weather report

" James... Fancy of you to join us"

" I work here" James said nonchalantly

" I'm aware.." Marcus gave him flat look as if saying even though he's mad at them he should address his boss with respect

James completely ignoring the look " then..?"

" just not you're usual cup of tea..."

James remained silent and only spoke when necessary when the meeting was adjourned James was the first to get up..

" Leaving already..?" Laurence spoke to him directly after a long time

James stopped mid way and turned to him.. eager that James was gonna speak to him after a long time Laurence had a small smile

" I thought I should give you  some space to celebrate your victory.."

Laurence rose his brow.. " victory? Marcus.. is there some new deal I know not of?."

James scoffed then turned to leave..

Marcus still trying to make some sense of his words asked

" How's River..?"

" Dead... She died today morning.."James said then shut the door

For a minute the only sound that lingered was the slam of the door..

Marcus heaved a sigh.. the looked at Laurence.

" You can leave.. I've some paperwork to finish up"

Laurence stood to go..
It was then that he knew... That his friendship and died along with River

Marcus took a glance at the huge portrait Infront of him... That warm and familiar smile

He scoffed

" Are you still smiling Sisera??"

Ilovey'all ❤️
Blacsolá 🖤
Hit that ⭐

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