chapter eight

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" can you relax... One would think it's your wedding day" Marcus said rolling his eyes

Laurence turned around.. fixing his tie looking again at his neat grey suit..

" Just making sure I'm presentable.." he said bored with Marcus's nagging

" Sureeeee... You always look presentable , I feel like today Is special.." Marcus teases " you even bought a suit"

" I always buy suits.. " Laurence said looking at him through the mirror

Marcus chuckled " do you need make up too?"

Laurence turned and threw him a dirty glare..
" Can you leave?"

Marcus shook his head ..." I feel like I should be here for emotional support"

Laurence threw him a pillow earning a rumbled laugh from Marcus

" It's been two years.. I just hope James kept everything behind him "

Marcus gave him a solemn look.. " I'm sure time heals.."

Laurence sighed rubbing the back of his neck

" Let's hope.." he said picking up his car keys..

The last time he had seen James was two years ago. When it was announced everywhere that Sisera's only heir had died it broke him..
More words and tabloids arose saying how they think Marcus did it .

Marcus being Marcus smiled at them whenever the reporters came by and even thanked them for the increasingly popularity they gave him saying that it was good for business.
Soon enough the rumours died down due lack of evidence.. and Marcus's calm demeanor

But James was not himself anymore.. he wasn't the ball of sunshine everyone knew..
Marcus who now was worried about him decided to send him far away from the country... Where he wouldn't see River's face and Sisera's smile every where he went

He was to open a new branch in South Korea. As expected he became most successful.. maybe because he emersed himself in work to forget River.

But something happened it wasn't major but the main branch in the States started loosing shares .. they were in small percents you wouldn't notice .. but Marcus did., That's why he called James back .. and Laurence volunteered to pick him up

Laurence tried to talk to James.. two years ago.. but it fell on deaf ears he just wouldn't speak to him.
He wouldn't also pick up his calls unless they were work related..
So just thinking about today made him nervous

" Maybe you should carry flowers.."
Marcus chuckled

Laurence glared at him.. " fuck off Johannes"

Marcus threw his head back and laughed

All the way to the airport Laurence thought of one thing...
What if he hadn't got involved with River that day..

After her death he always had a heavy heart.. if he was rude before.. he was extra now.
The workers did everything to not associate with him.. it was obvious they were aware of what happened to River that day... And didn't want the same fate.

At the airport he kept glancing at his watch to check the time.. he didn't want to carry a poster with James' name on it but Marcus insisted..

So in one hand he had one huge paper written James with a hearts and a smiley face emoji..
Laurence remembered how he sent daggers at Marcus for putting the emoji there

" Oh come on.. it's cute.."

Laurence rolled his eyes..wishing to do anything but carry that poster

The moment James walked out of the plane he took in a long refreshing breath..

" Look at that .. I'm home.." he smiled

He thought his uncle would have sent a chauffeur..
but the first thing he saw when he walked in was that dashing gray Armani new line of suits he kept looking at his watch.. James knew how easily Laurence got uncomfortable.. he was the centre of attention, every one kept throwing him swooning gazes.. and he didn't seem to know. If he wasn't in glasses you'd have noticed those bored eyes .. that James knew

" What's he doing here..?" He rhetorically asked but still smiled

James eyes travelled to the board he was holding, when he saw the emojis he chuckled. .seeing the face and board were so different

" Ironical.." he said..

Looks like he got his share of attention when he begun walking towards Laurence.. he surely even saw one person recording

When Laurence acknowledged him his lips curled Abit.. it was like he was the same person like two years ago

He was in a navy blue hoodie white sweats.. and his hair... Well leave it to James to make himself noticeable even in the most peculiar times..
He now had white platinum blonde hair adding up to his aqua blue eyes.. currently

Laurence chuckled.. " realy?.. that's the CEO of Marquis Seoul.."

When James stood in front of him he Bent over to re read the board as if he hadn't before..

" Aren't you the cutest.." he chuckled

Laurence sighed.. " Marcus insisted''

James looked at him.. truth be told he didn't feel that boiling anger anymore.. just missing the guy he grew up with..
Even more ... He knew he should have been around for him when he lost his sister..

" Still the man in suits..?" He asked

Laurence smirked.. " speak for yourself I almost mistook you with a BTS singer .."

James chuckled then pushed his bag to Laurence..

" I'm in the mood for some ice-cream.. bill's on you.."
He said leading the way..

Laurence sighed shaking his head..
" Yep.. still the same.."

Ilovey'all ❤️
Blacsolá 🖤
Hit that ⭐

Love heals

I almost forgot to tell y'all ..
Thanks for bearing with me in this a bit hectic semester ..
I promise to keep posting

Meanwhile.. did you know we're soon launching a new romcom..?

The launch is soon...

Book: captain perfect..

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