Imma ......WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

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As I stare at the girl who has her hands cling around mammons neck I start to feel envious. She mammons height with brown hair and eyes that can make someone fall in love. Did mammon really date. Hey mammon let's go to my room and watch y/f/m ( your favorite movie) o-oh ok um elle can let go so I can go with mc. But mammon I look all over town for you and now that I find you I dont wanna lose you. Asmo giggles and says aww mammon elle wants to- I stop asmo right in his tracks and says asmo dont start again. He gives me the sad look and steps back from the situation. I walk over to mammon and says mammon is spending time with me so I appreciate if you leave him alone.

Elle: well I been looking all over town for him so he is coming with me. She pulls his arm

Oh bitch its on!

Mc: No mammon is going to spend time with me. I pull his arm

Elle: no me.

Mc: no ME

Elle no me

I want on like this for 4 hours until mammon had enough and yank both of his hands away from us.

Mammon: girls chill out there is plenty of mammon to go around but elle I did promise mc to spend time with her so you will have to wait.

Elle did the puppy eyes and said: but mammon I search devildom for you I was looking everyone for you. She broke down in tears and started to cry . Ever since we broke up I wasn't able to get over you. Please mammon just spend a little time with me and then you can go back to her and be happy.  Mammon looks at me and looks back at elle. Fine I'll go with ya but after I'm coming back to my mc.

I had enough

Dont even bother just stay with her. It's like that all the time. Every tine I catch feelings for someone here it go getting mess. I cant believe you'll actually go with someone else you like what mammon your a - a - your a DEMON MAN WHORE. A whhhhaaaatt. I storm up stairs to my room after words and lock my door.

Mammon: what is a demon man whore.

Time skip

3rd POV:

Mc had took a nap and woke up from a message from one her one and only friend

Mc had took a nap and woke up from a message from one her one and only friend

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(This is your friend nene)

Nene: you said you were hanging out with mammon right?

Mc: plans change he hung out with one of his exs

Nene: yeah and did you see his new post?

Mc: no send it to me

Nene: I got you.

She sends mc the post and mc just stares at it with a disgust face.

She sends mc the post and mc just stares at it with a disgust face

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Mc text nene and said

Mc: it's ok nene he is a demon man whore I could care less what he do.

After mc finish texting nene she looks at the picture one more time and says

Just like with levi

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