Dont start with me

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I dont own any of these pictures by the way.

I look at lyn and I knew all hell was about to break loose.

Lyn: well excuse me I'm not a ordinary demon

Satan: pretty sure you are. Come on mc I'm here to bring you back home let's go

Satan reaches for my hand but I quickly move my hand off the table

Mc: no I'm not going there so I can be lock in the attic for the rest of life. I'll rather stay here with lyn

I look over at lyn who is now standing up but smiling at me. But his smile quickly fades away when he realize what else mc said

Lyn: wait what you guys throw her in the attic.

Lyn was now in his demon finna get ready to explode

Satan close his eyes and says

Satan: that's none of your DAMN business

Satan was now in his demon form as well

3rd POV:
Mc and asmo try to calm down satan and lyn but it was no chance. Let's just say lyn was kinda like another Lucifer and satan eyes.

Mc: calm down the both of you. You guys will not start a fight in hell kitchen so just calm down.

Asmo: yeah mc right. Calm down satan

Lyn turns back to his regular form and grabs mc hands and walks out of hell kitchen leaveing a angry satan and worry asmodemus.

Time skip

Mc and lyn were now at lyn and liyn dorm

Mc and lyn were now at lyn and liyn dorm

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(That's how the room look)

Lyn: ugh I hate that jerk who does he think he is.
Lyn flops on his bed while mc sits in his chair.

Mc: just calm down ok I'm sure everything will be ok just forget about it.

Lyn: yeah you say that but I feel like this is only the beginning

Mc walks over to lyn and grabs his hand

Mc: we'll get through this together ok

Lyn sits up and his face is super close to mc. The both lean in and then


Mc: um lyn that's your phone

Lyn: oh yeah right

Lyn picks up the phone. His face soon turn angry.

Lyn: I'll be right there

Mc: what was it. Who was that

Lyn: it was my brother he said that Lucifer had attack him and has kidnapped. They are willing to let him go for you. But I wont let them have u or my brother so I'm finna go beat Lucifer into a plump.

Mc: no lyn Lyn let me go. Let me go talk to Lucifer

As mc and lyn leave the dorm the only thing mc can think is everything is a disaster and it's all my fault

Word count :461

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