Tell us your struggle

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3rd POV:
It's been a couple of months and mc was still trap in the attic. Mc found a little dagger in the attic and used it to cut her self everytime she thought about the demon brothers. Lucifer would come to the attic to get mc and go to school and elle or Yui or Rossette would serve mc food which led to them shoving their foot on her food or spitting on it or just simply throw it to the floor. Mc fell into a depression that even she couldn't understand.
And today was no different Lucifer came got mc and went to school. When they got to school luke simeon and Solomon ran up to mc and gave her a big hug.

Luke: mc heyy I miss you so much
Solomon: hello mc how are you
Simeon: hey there mc

Mc didnt tell luke and Solomon about her cuts or what happen but Simeon knew and and was trying to find a way for mc to get away from that house and the brothers.

Luke: mc are we gonna walk to class together again

Simeon: now luke you know me and mc have are alone time when she gets here it will only take a minute for us to -
Luke: nooooo i want mc to walk with me today

Mc chuckles and rub looks head

Mc: ok luke I'll walk with u

Mc gives Simeon a nod and then starts to walk with luke to class

                       Time skip

As mc and luke was talking on there way to class mc bumps into two boys

Mc: ouch that hurts

Mc looks up and sees the two boys she bump into and she couldn't stop looking at them.

Wait they are twins. Mc thought as the one on the right help her up.

Left boy: hey are you ok
Mc: yes thank by the way
Luke: mc your leg is cut
Mc: it's ok luke
Right boy: sorry this is my brother Liyn and I'm Lyn
Mc: I'm y/n and this is Luke

Luke gave the boys a evil stare before he turn to mc and said

Luke: my class is right here mc see you later

He then walk into his class leaving mc and the two handsome demons alone in the hallway.

Lyn: so what class are you headed to
Mc: oh history
Liyn: us to come with us

                          Time skip

When mc and the twin brothers Got class mc sees levi and Yui sitting together. When levi notice mc and the twins He frown and look away and started to text asmo and satan

Levi POV:

I started to text asmo and satan about what I seen. After I text them I look over at mc and seen her smiling.
There's that smile I miss so much. During the entire class I wasn't able to focus all I was able to do was see how happy mc seem to be. Even when Yui kiss my cheek I didnt even look at her I just brush it off and continue to look at mc being happy

As I was laughing and giggling with the twins I feel eyes staring at me I look to my front and see levi staring me down like a lion that found its prey. After I class I ask Lyn to eat lunch with me. When lunch came around Lyn ate lunch with me and as we were about to leave we both bump clean into dialovo and Lucifer. I gulp as I see that Lucifer is staring me down with a hatred look.

Diavolo: ah mc it's nice to see u again how's devildom treating you

Mc: nicely diavolo oh and this is my friend Lyn

Lucifer: mc it's about time we go home let's go

Lyn: mc is going to be spending time with me and my brother

Lucifer look at Lyn and chuckles then walks up to mc and says

Lucifer: mc let's go

Mc: no! I'm spending time with Lyn I'll come home later ok?

Lucifer stares at mc and mc stares at lucifer. They stare at each other for a couple of hours boyfriend they hear diavolo laugh and says

Diavolo: Lucifer let mc live I know she beat up two pregnant woman and u gave her a lecture but let her live a little

Mc was shock she just realized that Lucifer didn't tell dialovo that she lock him up in the attic

Mc: he didnt lecture me he lock me-

Lucifer: I guess your right just be home before dinner

Lyn: I'll feed her she'll be home before a little later than that

Lucifer than walks over to lyn whisper something in his ear and than walks off with dialovo. After that Lyn and mc walks out of the school and head straight to hells kitchen. After we sit down and order our food I see asmo and satan enter hell's kitchen. They see me and Lyn and come towards us.

Asmo: woah mc who's your new friend .

Satan: some ordinary demon

Lyn look at satan and I knew all hell was about to break

Word count :867

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