Dont start drama you cant finish

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3rd POV:
It's been two weeks since mc spoke to mammon. She was afraid that if she talk to one of the demons brothers someone else will just take them. Well their was one brother she was comfortable with talking to and that was asmo. Mc and asmo had became bestfriend and went shopping together, did each other nails and makeup. They hang out like a real bestfriend should but mc was still hurt cause levi, and mammon left her like she was nothing and to make matters worse they both were ignoring her. Like when mc came to breakfast they would get up and leave , when she seen them in the hallway they would find another way to go. It hurted mc alot but she was mad at them as well. But it was just another day mc out shopping with asmo
Beel eating everything in the kitchen
Belphie napping on the couch
Satan reading some lame ass book
Mammon getting a scolding by Lucifer
And levi playing a game.

Mc: ahh what a relaxing day. No drama just me and my bestie asmo hanging out

Asmo: hehe ya mc you wanna go shopping when we finish each other nails.

Mc: sure

Time skip

As Asmo and mc was about to leave the house of lamination they were abruptly stop by elle and Yui.

Yui: dont start drama you cant finish mc!

Mc: excuse me?

Elle: you know what we are talking about. You went on social media spreading lies about me.

Mc: what I haven't been on devilgram in about a -

Mc had remember that she did post the day her and mammon stop talking that she was upset that he left for his ex but that should have been down by now. Why is she now comforting mc about it?

3rd POV:

As nc stare at elle she see Yui in the corner of my eye smirking.

Mc: and what's funny Yui

Elle: don't try to turn this around why was you talking about me

Elle started to walk closer to mc causing mc to back up a little.

Asmo: leave mc alone elle

Asmo tries to grab elle but she pulls away from him

Elle: don't touch me I want a answer from her

Elle looks at mc with a angry look and without thinking she jumps on mc causing mc to fall on the floor. Elle gets on top of mc and punch her two times in the face causing mc nose to bleed.


She stands up and kicks mc in the stomach


Elle grabs mc by the hair and swings her side to side by it.

Elle: let me tell you something mc

She gets close to mc ear

Elle: your a bitch. All you do is run around trying to be the family therapist. But u know what you can't be the family therapist.

Tears started to fall from mc face

Elle: I heard a rumor that u were a prostitute in the human world on YouTube showing off your body your such a whore.

Elle slams mc against the wall. She pulls out a knife and walks towards mc but before she get close mc see a pare of firm feet in front of her

Black pants
Everything starts to go blurry as mc hear the deep voice of a certain demon say: just what do you think your doing Elle!!

You then see with your blurry vision satan , asmo , belphie, and beel all surrounding you but the last word u said was Lucifer

And then everything goes black

Say whhhhaaaatt but anywho sorry its late just vote my story and comment thnx have a lovely day 😊✌🏽

Word count 650

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