Road Trip

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My family and I were getting ready to go on a 12 hour road trip. This was like the ten millionth time we were going on the same road trip to the same tiny boring beach so it wasn't really anything exciting or new to me. I would so much rather stay in bed and watch Netflix or read a book or something. 

"Victoria! Come down right now!" My mom yells from downstairs.

I run down to the living room where my mom, dad and Katie are standing, looking extra cheerful.

"What is it mom?" 


"Yes! We're finally going to try out some new place to go to! It takes a little longer and the drive gets a little uhh, weird through the mountains but it's going to be a beautiful drive!" Dad adds.

I smile and try to show some excitement, even though I'm still not really excited at all.

I run back up and quickly grab my phone to say bye to my best friend before I leave (well just because my mom doesn't let me take my phone to trips because she says we need to "disconnect". Ugh). 

"Hey guess what!?"

"You're leaving already???" Candice sounds upset.

"Yeah, but we're going to the mountain area this time..."

"Huh? I hope it's not the place our history teacher told us about" She laughs. "Remember??"

"That creepy ass abandoned death town place? We're totally going there. Wana join?" I joke. 

"I'd rather be locked up in my moms basement for the rest of my life." She chuckles. 

"I gotta leave now. I'll call you when I get back next week. Bye!!" 


Everyone loaded their bags into the back of the car and the road trip officially started.

Dad announced that it would take around 15 hours so we should reach by around 9 pm tonight. He turned on the radio, mom was reading her kindle, Katie was playing with her usual little kid stuff, and I was looking outside the window having nothing else to do.

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