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I felt sharp agonizing pricks all over my body. As I opened my eyes I was extremely confused to see dark tall trees looking over me. What the hell was I doing here? 

Even though I felt like I was in a dream, I tried to get up. But instead of getting up in my bedroom, I was still in the forest, stuck with this piercing sensation of pain. My whole body was pounding as if sharp pieces of glass had been digged into my skin. I opened my eyes as wide as I could and looked at my arms. There in fact were, around 20 or more pieces of glass, clinging on to my skin. 

It's just a dream. It's just a dream. I'll be back in my bedroom in 3.... 2.... 

But no. I was still there. Trapped in this void of darkness with this intense throbbing pain. With no escape. I wanted to cry and scream, but with this much pain, I couldn't even move a muscle.

It was completely dark, I couldn't see anything except for my arm and the shining glasses stuck to it. I could feel the leaves and wet cold mud against my back and hear the noise of the tree branches swinging back and forth. Suddenly I heard another noise. A rattling noise. I immediatly recognized it. Oh my god.

The noise came closer and closer and by reflex I immediatly jumped up. I jumped up so fast that I forgot for a moment that I was in so much pain. I quickly searched my pocket to see if my phone was still in there. It was. I took out my phone and shone the light around to see what the hell was going on and what the disgusting noise was. And there it was. A snake.

I had no idea where to run because I had no idea where I was. I just ran and ran all I could, as fast as I could, praying that I wouldn't run into anything. I finally stopped. I could see a small road with some lights. I ran up to the road and sat down in the middle trying to take in everything that had just happened.

I tried taking off all the pieces of glass of myself. Yes, it was probably the most painful thing anyone can ever experience in their life but I had to do it. I had to remove them so I could go on and see what has happened here. After taking most of the glasses off, and not even feeling a bit better, I went back done with my phone light. Into the area where I found myself first.

I couldn't see anything except for leaves and trees at first, but then I hear a wince. Then it turns into a small cry. I try and get closer to the sound when I finally see, what somebody could only see in their nightmares. Katie, my little sister was lying there on top of my unconsious parents. I don't even want to describe what this scene looked like.

I ran to Katie and tried to talk to her

"Katie, katie say something"

Katie just cried again.

I ran back up to the road to see if I could get any help.

Was this even a road? This was just like some rocky terrain. There would obviously be no cars coming in here. I walked further down the "road" and stopped at this half broken sign saying "Xeota".


I walking further down and surprisingly in the distance I saw some light. There was hope.

Abandoned [Andy Biersack Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now