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I had changed into these pajamas Nancy had bought for me. They were cuter and more comfortable than any of my pajamas I owned back home. It was made out of satin and seemed like the types only really rich royal people would wear. Like the type of people who should actually be living in this house. 

I laid on the comfy bed and stared outside the window into the beautiful night sky lit with thousands of stars until I felt my eyes starting to finally close. 

"Don't go to sleep already" somebody whispered 

I snapped right out of my sleep and jumped out of bed with my heart pounding so loud the whole house would've been able to hear it. I probably just imagined all that just happened but it was scary as hell and I wasn't ready to go back to sleep now. The voice was so real and so close to me. It was a sweet soft voice but it definitely wasn't Nancy, it was the voice of a guy. 

I took one of the spare quilts on the bed and covered it all around myself like a shield so i was safe inside. I know Nancy told me not to go wandering around the house but I couldn't sleep, I had nothing else to do and I really wanted to really explore this amazing house so why not? And anyways I had this blanket shield thing over me so I was pretty much safe from anything. I guess. 

I tiptoed slowly outside my room and into the dark long hallway. The hallway was pitch black so I decided to turn on one of the light switches even though I was doubtful they would work. I turned them on and thankfully there was at least some light that came through the 100 year old old rusty ceiling lamps. The whole place was dingy and dim it totally looked like I was in the set of some horror movie but I wasn't scared. Ghosts didn't exist. Only people who were totally bored with their lives decided to create these dumb ghost legends and shit to scare gullible people. 

I walked deeper into the hallway to the part where the lights were't lit up anymore it is was like a black hole. There were two pillars there and I swear I heard one of those pillars making some type of sound. It was probably just some rat though. No way I was going into the darkness so I just decided to go back into my room. I was getting really sleepy anyways. 

As I started walking back I heard another noise, louder this time. I turned around and I saw a PERSON. Not sure if it was an actual human being or just some porcelain statue though. I was about to run back into the room out of fear but then the person disappeared. 

"Nancy?" I whispered, trying not to cry. 

I slowly walked closer to the pillar completely fully inside my blanket shield to see if there really was a person there or if I was just imagining again. As I peeked into the back of the pillar where I saw the person, I felt something behind me. Something cold, like the cold wind I had felt earlier today. I wasn't ready to look back. I couldn't take what was happening right now. I felt like I was going to freeze and die right in the moment. There was something behind me. And it wasn't breathing. It wasn't something alive. 

I really should have turned around and ran back into my room but because of the fear of not wanting to face the thing behind me I ran screaming and crying right into the dark hallway. I kept on running and running in the pitch black as if I was trapped in some never ending black maze until I crashed into something and fell down. I felt like that was the end of me until I heard the same soft voice of the boy.

"Oh fuck!" He moaned quietly. 

"I didn't mean to scare you. You okay?" 

I put my face into my quilt and tried to hide, even though obviously nobody could see me in this darkness. I was terrified to death. 

"Are you okay? I'm not going to hurt you. I promise" 

"Who are you?" 

"Someone who's going to remind you that currently you're suffocating yourself in that ugly old quilt. Couldn't you have chosen something better?" He laughed 

How did he even know that I had put my head inside? However he was right. I never even realized I was hardly breathing anymore. I popped my head out and I felt the cold air come on my face. It was scary how dark this place was. I felt dead.  

"She's so cute" one different voice said. 

"Stop." someone replied really defensively. It was the same guy who was talking to me before.  


Some angry woman moaned and snapped at me "Stop yelling or i'll--"

"Its okay, you don't need that old rag. You got me! I'll help you get back to your room." said the same guy "And you don't need to hide in that nasty blanket anymore. You're safe, i promise." 

I took the quilt off and I felt a cold but strong hand grab on to my small shaky hand. We started walking slowly through the darkness. Everything was quiet. For a second I thought about what if this guy was some really creepy monster looking dude. I felt like letting his hand go and running but I would probably get lost in this darkness. However his cute voice was something that no "monster" could have. Well at least as from what I've watched in horror movies. 

I started to finally see the pale orange lights which at the moment looked more bright than looking right into the sun with naked eyes. I would finally be in the light. Safe. I would also be able to finally see who this guy is. 

We reached the hallway where my bedroom was located and I ran. I didn't care in that moment about seeing what that guy looked like. I needed to be safe inside the bedroom with all the windows and doors locked. Everything would be okay in the morning when Nancy wakes up and the sun comes out. I reached my room and was just about to lock the door when I was someone standing at the end of the hallway. The exact same place where I left the guy and ran away. 

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