The Hospital

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I'm sitting down in the lobby on this extra chair by the weird man. 

"It's Juan." He whispers, trying to make it look like he doesn't want to talk. 

"I'm Isabella." I reply.

"What brings you here young lady? I don't see people as young as you in this town since... ages.."

"My family was going on a road trip to uhh.. I dont know where. But it's one hour away from here. So um.." I pause trying not to break down. "I woke up in the middle of this forest and my parents were unconscious and my sister.." I pause again fighting back the tears. 

"So you weren't supposed to come to Xeota? Good." He says slightly spinning his chair around 

"What do you mean?"

"Never heard of Xeota? Obviously not. This is the town nobody knows of. And nobody should know of. This hospital and the mansion behind are the only sorta living things in this whole town." "It's a dark dark place." He says, finally sounding willing to talk. 

"What?" I ask, baffled. 

"Well... I hardly ever get any guests to tell this places history to so might as well tell you. This hospital was built by my ancestors back in the early 1800's. They built it cuz everybody in this town started getting this horrible fatal disease and dying. My ancestors hired the best doctors in this town to work here but they caught the disease and died too" he rolled his eyes and let out a condescending laugh. 

"Dunno how but the only citizens who survived were my great-great-great grandparents. And they didn't move out of this town. They lived all alone in their mansion.  I don't know why but I ain't allowed to move outta here too. My mother made me promise her that before she died." 

"I'm so sorry about your mother but other than that.. sounds like some bullshit to me." 

He laughs. "You'll see." 

"OK well, whatever. Can I meet my parents now?" 

"Go upstairs to the room where your parents and sis bein' treated. You can sleep on a bed there for the night. The treatment rooms strictly only allow patients inside but since we ain't got any other ones for years... you're good" He smirks. 

I walk upstairs through the insect infested stairways to the second floor. The hospital has long hallways with many rooms and high ceilings. It's dark and quiet. Why were they so many rooms?

I walk to the room from where lights were shining through under the door. The nurse was walking around in there and I felt so relieved. I swear walking in those hallways was no better than being on the set of some extreme horror film. 

The room inside looked like it had been abandoned since years. However, they had many equipment so that probably wasn't true. I walked up to little Katie first and looked at her face. Thankfully nothing had happened to her precious angelic face. 

"They'll be alright in a few days" the nurse said and walked out of the room. 

I was basically alone here now. Katie and my parents were unconscious so it was just me in this hospital room in some freaking 100 year old hospital in the middle of some dead town. I wasn't usually scared easily, but I couldn't help not feeling scared here. 

There was a total of 10 beds in this small crowded room. I jumped onto a bed next to Katie's. Shivering from the dark and chill of the room, I held onto her finger, closed my eyes and waited for the morning light to come. 

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