Chapter 14

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*This is the Old Version of the book, the new version will be posted after the final chapter of the old book.*

*3rd P.O.V*

*1 week later*

Every pack member was excited when Victoria and Eric announced the news to them the next day. Of course everyone had immidiately started planning the wedding, especially Elizabeth and Riely, when Eric stopped everything and told them that they want Victoria's family to be there for the wedding, but no harm was done if they got married on paper for the moment. Everyne was majorly dissapointed but nobody complained because at least Eric had the guts to pop the question in the first place.

Everyone still held a reception after the two came out of the office with a copy of the paper with their signatures declaring their marriage. The reception was fancy, with blue and white as the theme. There were silver balloons around the ballroom of the fancy hotel they had booked. The tiles were gleaming and the chandeliers attracted the most attention of the kids.

Soon a cake was brought out and everyone was surprised to see "made by Eric" written in pink frosting on the cake. Victoria laughed at the small, somewhat sloppy looking cake before kissing Eric on his cheek for his efforts. Eric could really NOT cook. Eric burned water when it was impossible to do so.

Eric felt quite proud of himself as well. They had decided that for the cake cutting, they would each bake their own cake and then there was a proper 3 tier vanilla and chocolate mixed cake ordered from the pack's baker for the guests. Then another small cake came out. Both the cakes were heart shaped but while Eric's looked sloppy, Tori's looked perfect. They both decided on making lemon cake and on Tori's cake, frosted in blue cream was written "made by Tori".

Eric went first and sliced Victoria's cake before bringing it up to his mouth and moaning at the taste of it. "Keep it for the bedroom Alpha!" A pack member shouted from the back making everyone laugh and Tori shake her head at Eric's face. Eric complimented Tori profusely by lifting her up and spinning her around making Victoria's face go a light shade of green. Eric put her down after noticing that.

Eric patted her back untill her lunch went back down. Victoria lightly punched Eric's stomach before taking the knife from her cake. She took it to Eric's and sliced up a small piece before bringing it up to her mouth only to choke on it. Eric panicked and brought a glass of water and ended up spilling it on her.

Victoria stood with her mouth wide open, frozen in shock as Eric stood still with his eyes wide before slowly backing away. The pack members were deathly silent.

Done with the chapter!

Lol kidding, continue reading :)


"Did you put salt instead of sugar?" Victoria asked in a whisper as Eric turned a hundred shades of red. "Maybe...?" He said as he kept backing up as the pack members laughed a little forcefully, still cautious of Tori. Suddenly Tori grabbed the pitcher of water and poured it slowly all over Eric.

Eric stood frozen feeling the water dripping down from his hair, to his face then shirt and eventually onto the floor. He growled loudly as the pack members laughed. Tori was laughing so hard that she was clutching her stomach and tears rolled down her face.

Eric stood there watching his mate laugh so carefree for the first time since she's been here. Sure she smiled and laughed a lot but this was the hardest she's ever laughed and wrinkles formed at the corner of her eyes, resembling a crow's feet.

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