Chapter 15

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*This is the Old Version of the book, the new version will be posted after the final chapter of the old book.*

*3rd P.O.V*

*5 months later*

Werewolf pregnancies only lasted 5 months, 6 at the most. For that fact everyone was gratefull. Victoria's mood swings were dangerous. Whatever she thought about and whatever she read about she would want to eat it. It was horrible, for Eric to wake up at 3 am in the night just to get Victoria chinese. She couldn't help it, fried rice was amazing! (a/n I LOVE fried rice, like I could seriously marry it!)

Though at most times Victoria would become a source of amusement and entertainment to the pack so, safe to say they would love to have this side of her throughout her pregnancy, unfortunately for them again, Victoria took this the wrong way and hid in her treehouse for a few hours, only coming back because she was craving pancakes and had to pee. Badly.

Though Eric wouldn't admit it, he loved the fact that Victoria's once firm, flat stomach was now carrying his pup. Eric could feel the power radiate of Tori's stomach so he knew that it was a boy, the future Alpha but Tori wanted the gender to be a secret so Eric didn't spoil her surprise nor did the other pack members who had already known.

A week into Victoria's pregnancy, her only friend, besides her brother at her old pack, Ryder turned up. He had gone for a year to train another pack who had almost been wiped out because of rogue attacks. Safe to say, with Ryder's help, under the guidance of his Alpha, that pack had come on the Council Of Supernatural Creatures (CSC) Top 10 list of best fighters pack.

The highest ranking was Victoria and Eric's pack, the second ranking, after much digging and proding turned out to be the pack Tyler was the Alpha of(a/n a lot of you amazing readers were asking about Tori's siblings so here's a sneak peek, because they may or may not be involved in the story and even if they are, they can't be introduced yet, too many plotholes :D). Victoria was very proud of her older brother, her saviour. And on the bright side, when she found out that Daniel's pack was the third best, it didn't hurt her as it would.

Back to Ryder, when the abuse had first started he was the first one to know since he was there and also the first one to stand up for her. Unfortuanetly, he had to move to his grandmother's pack because of her getting Alzheimers. It was sad for Victoria too as Ryder's grandmother was, unlike others and in lack of better words, cool. She always kept everyone happy and still embaressed Ryder's parents all the time.

Turns out, Ryder's parents were out in town, in neutral territory where they were attacked and killed. Consumed with grief of what little his grandma remembered, she had a heart attack and died within two days. Having lost everything, Ryder decided to stay in Eric's pack and earned himseld the third in command rank.

When Victoria first saw Ryder she beamed like a little kid on christmas and ran up to him and almost squeezed him to death. Ryder had known that Eric found his second chance mate who was actually his true mate and that she had a past but he had no idea that it was his childhood best friend Victoria.

Victoria recognised her scrawny childhood best friend immediately even though he was now ripped and much taller than when he left their old pack. When she first saw him she squeeled like a fangirl would if they got a hug from their idol before running out of the house with Eric following behind her, extremely concerned about her health. Victoria shouted Ryder's name before jumping into his arms.

They, by now, had attracted the attention of most of the pack members who were enjoying the barbeque held in honour for Ryder's return. They were a bit concerned as to how Eric would react but they did not judge Victoria for they knew she was pure of heart.

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