Chapter 11

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*This is the Old Version of the book, the new version will be posted after the final chapter of the old book.*

*3rd P.O.V*

*1 month later*

"Luna! Luna! Play with us please?" 5 year old Abby pleaded with Victoria.

Victoria got along well with the kids and on fridays she would go out and play with the kids in the backyard.

The pack members were really proud of their Luna and they all loved her. Everyone respected her and listened to her.

It was a week after the ceremony Victoria was just leaving the pack house after Riely had called her frantically to help pick an outfit for her date or rather, a night alone with Adam.

Victoria was just walking down the hallway when a giggling Abby bumped into her.

Abby became hysterical because Eric's first mate had been really cruel to the kids and Abby was only 4 when she was screamed at for playing around the pack house.

Abby was stuttering and apologising and her mother looked a little worried. Abby's mother was human but her father was a werewolf and he was one of the patrol guards.

Victoria bent down to Abby's height and held her shoulders in a futile effort to calm her down. "It's okay sweetie, calm down. What's your name?" Victoria asked sweetly.

"My n-name is-is A-abby." She stuttered, even more scared. "That's a nice name. How old are you Abby?" Victoria asked again in her soft tone. Abby felt herself relax slowly. "I'm 5 years old." Abby said shyly.

"Wow you're such a big girl. Now Abby, you shouldn't be running in the halls, you could get hurt. Why don't you go outside and play with the other kids?" Victoria asked again, concerned for the little girl.

Abby's mother relaxed immensely, sensing no threat for her pup. "They don't want to play with me. My brother says girls shouldn't be allowed to play fwootball." Abby said sadly.

Victoria chuckled and grabbed Abby's hand, leading her to the backyard. Abby smiled brightly when she figured out that the Luna was taking her to the backyard but Abby still remained a bit nervous.

Victoria approached the group of boys and they all stopped and stared at her. Abby's brother Alex came forward, concerned for his sister. The other pack members watched the scene with apprehensive eyes.

"Who is your brother Abby?" Victoria softly asked Abby. Alex came forward and introduced himself. He must have been about 7 years old.

"Alex why do you think that Abby or any girl shouldn't play football?" Victoria asked a little sternly. The other pack member also relaxed slightly, knowing where this was heading. They had tried to make their kids involve Abby and other girls but to no avail. They thought that maybe the boys would listen to their Luna.

"Because they're girls and girls are cry babies!" Alex whined. Victoria cocked one eybrow and asked "Oh really?" Alex and the other boys nodded. The girls had now stopped playing in the sandbox and were watching the scene.

"Why don't we solve this the easy way then. Let's have a match between the girls and the boys." The girls and Abby nodded eagerly and the boys agreed hesitantly.

So for the next hour the game went on and the girls won and the matter was solved. Every friday they had a match between the girls and boys and many the times the girls turned out victorius.

That is how Victoria became a constant partner to the kids. Now, Abby was no longer shy around Victoria but dragging her around.

Victoria sighed before telling Abby that she would be out in a minute. Victoria was a bit sad that Eric was hardly around for the past 2 weeks. When Eric came home she would already be sleeping and when he left, she would either be sleeping or she would be busy. For the past week, Eric spent the nights in his office and Victoria couldn't sleep without Eric. She was really tired and the pack was starting to notice.

Victoria had only confided in Riely and to say Riely was made would be an understatement. Riely would alway glare at Eric whenever they would cross paths.

But what they didn't know was that Eric was actually planning a surprise for Victoria. Eric had no idea whatsoever of the pain and heartache he was causing Victoria. He didn't think of his actions as anything more than work.

Victoria went out and apologised to the kids about not being able to play this time before walking home. The pack members were slightly worried about how Eric's absense was affecting Victoria but none commented on it.

Just as Victoria was about to pass out from lack of exhaustion she noticed the roses on the front door.

Their was apparently a trail of petals from blue orchids that led her around the house with a rose at each interval. The trail eventually lead her to the bedroom where she saw Eric with a clear vase full of water.

Victoria chuckled at the sight and put all the roses, which were a lot, in the vase. Eric chuckled slightly as well. "It would be a bit too cliché if I was waiting with the bouqet." Eric said in a husky voice. Just by seeing Eric and heaing his voiced, Victoria got all restless.

Victoria took the card on the vase and read it.

My sweet beautiful mate,

Go on a date with me? I know you're gonna say yes, I mean I am irresistable. Be ready at 8 and wear something comfortable.

Love, Eric

Victoria chuckled and was about to retort but Eric had vanished. Victoria shook her head once before the words hit her. She squeeled in happiness and mind-linked Riely to get their ASAP.

Riely entered the room all panicky only to see a really happy Victoria there with a card in her hand. Riely quickly read the note, rolling her eyes once, before joining Victoria in squeeling and jumping up and down.

At 7:00 sharp, Riely ushered Victoria into the bathroom where she showered, shampooed, cleansed and shaved herself. After brushing her teeth and using a mint mouthwash, Victoria exited the bathroom to find Riely there with the curling iron and make-up bag ready.

Riely tied Victoria's hair into a neat ponytail before slightly curling the ends and then proceeding to apply make-up.

The make-up was a simple coat of mascara and eyeliner with beige eyeshadow and nude lipstick. Victoria then put on her outfit and gasped at the simplicity and beauty of it. She was wearing black leggings and a grey full sleeves shirt, brown converse and black star earrings (a/n shirt, leggings and earring to the side).

At precisely 8:00 Eric appeared at the front door and recieved Victoria on his arm. He got the first date speech from Riely with a "Have her back by 12 young man" before Victoria could leave.

Eric chuckled and mock saluted Riely before Victoria and Eric headed out, hand-in-hand. Some of the pack members saw them and relaxed when they saw the happy couple.

And while sharing lovey-dovey glances they headed off to 'nowhere point'.

*This is the Old Version of the book, the new version will be posted after the final chapter of the old book.*

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