Chapter 5

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"I really don't know how to answer that one, Aiks."

Mika smiled, glancing appreciatively around the subtle-lit restaurant. She was in luxurious surroundings and if she'd known her best friend intended to bring her to such an expensive place, she'd have taken a change of clothes to work with her. Her best friend, Aiko Sweet Urdas, had been in Manila all day to attend a seminar, and had phoned to invite her to dinner before she drives back to Baguio.

Aiko picked her up from work an hour ago and had just asked her how she was getting along with her "temporary boss".

"Last week, she gave me hell, deliberately made life difficult for me--- or so it seemed. It was, have you done this, have you done that?"


"Mrs. Ravena, what happened to my phone call from Brisbane?"

"Where is the coffee I asked you for ten minutes ago?"

"You must learn to delegate, Mrs. Ravena. Leave yourself free to attend to my needs."

"You should be one step ahead of me."

"I suggest you shape up or give up."


Mika tucked into her beautifully presented hors d'oeuvre and glanced helplessly at her best friend.

"But this week, it's been so different! The monster boss hasn't been on my back at all. And this morning, would you believe, she even said 'Well done.' Twice! How about that?"

Aiko Urdas gave her best friend an indulgent smile. She might not care for the enigmatic Vic Galang but working with her had certainly been good for Mika. It certainly given her something to think about other than her deceased husband, had brought to her lovely face a vivacity and animation Aiko had not seen for quite a long time. So whatever Vic Galang was or was not, Aiko was grateful to the person.

"I don't see why you are so puzzled, Miks. It seems to me that last week your boss had to spend time knocking you into shape. You know, training you to her way of working."

"No, Aiks. It is nothing simple. Nothing about her can be easily fathomed."

"Then how do you explain the difference in behavior last week and her behavior this week?"

"I can't."

"Why didn't you had a chat with her secretary? Last week... I mean. Perhaps she'd have given you a few tips about working with her."

"I don't really chat with Cienne. Firstly, there's not time--- we've only ever had lunch together once. And secondly, she's been a bit aloof. You see, she does a lot of Miss Galang's private and personal work--- like organizing dinner parties, for instance, and I think she considers herself a bit superior because of it, though I don't know why she would. And she never says a word about VSG except to sing her praises... Mind you," she added, forgetting the food in front of her, "even I have to admit Vic Galang is extremely well organized. For two weeks, she'd coped with Kim's work as well as her own. She is dynamic, indefatigable... and her door is always open to people. She is a trouble-shooter, a superb director. As long as she is not in a meeting, anyone can go in to see her anytime. She told me from the start that it was no part of my job to try to keep people away from her..."

"She is a licensed architect, did I tell you that? And took engineering for a second course." Mika broke off, shaking her head, amused by the memory of something which had happened the day before...


She had got in early on Wednesday morning, as usual, and she found Vic kneeling on the floor in Cienne's office--- surrounded by parts and pieces of the photocopying machine. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes going to her filthy hands. "Ma'am Galang! What on earth are you doing?"

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