🤍part 2🤍

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Once Y/n had got to her office she slumped down into her suited chair. The office wasn't very spacious but after all there was only Y/n and her best friend Amy that where working in the small room. There was many others at the office but they all had there own rooms to work in, Y/n and Amy had agreed to share the divided work space years before when they became family like friends. Amy's chair was a tall,light and basic one much like herself on the other hand Y/n's chair was a small colourful one she had brought when she was in university. The resemblance between the women's personality and there chairs made people giggle when they walked In the room. It wasn't the friend's intention but they loved watching people make the connection.

"Someone looked happy" Amy exclaimed,
Without even realising it Y/n had ignored her. She couldn't stop thinking about the mystery man on the train.She knew his name was Wilbur and that he liked to read but that's as far as introductions when before they started talking about anything and everything to sustain the Conversation. They tried not to show it but it felt nice to know someone else on the underground after so many years off awkward silence and sitting next to drunk or high people who couldn't string together a proper sentence. No matter the time of day you could always spot someone who wasn't completely with it.

Y/n Hesitantly turned on her pc and started working. Her job was mostly on computers and screens alike but every month or so she was able to leave the office to inspect restaurants. It's not right to say Y/n hated her job but day after day she wished she could get out of the office more. When she left University she wanted to become an Internet personality if that was doing YouTube, twitch or just posting brand deals on Instagram she didn't mind. Sadly those plans had fell through when she found her boyfriend cheating on her near the train station in November and then found her mental health declining rapidly by Christmas.In January she was diagnosed with social anxiety and miner depression soon after that she had been Laid off from work at the Casino. Y/n had loved working in London, the adrenaline of the rushed city and others around her was something to remember for a life time. There was nothing she regretted about her Area of work but when people asked what she worked as she would simple state "I'm a Waitrose" as she didn't like the backlash she got if she told them her Real job.

After Y/n had signed on to  her desktop she started to type away, finishing off articles her boss had asked her to write for the newspaper. The article was based on a restaurant called Mon Plaisir it was a French restaurant that served all sorts  of french things such as Crème Brulée and Profitéroles overall Y/n decided to give the service a 9/10 and the food 10/10. In Amy's opinion that was generous since she had found multiple hairs In Her food ( which were here own), Amy had always been very opinionated about anything and everything which is the only reason why she didn't tell her about Wilbur and the train. Y/n knew she would ask all kinds of unrelated questions that Y/n didn't care enough about to answer. She also feared that Amy would judge her for talking to a random person on the train. She liked to remind Y/n of the saying "stranger danger". It was a good analogy and it made sense but Wilbur had never tried to Touch her and never said anything that made her uncomfortable. Will was good with words, he always seemed to say the right thing at the right time.

Time skip because I'm lazy

It was around 5:30 when Wilbur choose to go home, he had hoped to leave just in time to see Y/n on the train again. He wanted to ask her for her number in the morning but he had realised it was to early both in the morning and in there relationship after all they had only spoken once and seen each other twice. He didn't even know if she remembered him from there first met up

When Will got on the train he court a glimpse of  Y/n . She seemed upset but she was clearly trying to cover her emotions with a smile that she tried to keep genuine. Wilbur could always see through peoples emotions like they were a freshly cleaned pice of glass. He walked quickly towards her, tapped her on the shoulder and said "hey you ok," Without saying a word Y/n turned round and once she realised it was Will she leant in for a hug. When She turned around he had noticed the tears that filled her eyes and wrapped his arms around her . He then continued to push her away just enough to see her distraught eyes and spoke gently "are you going to tell me what is wrong or do you what to keep me in the dark,"
Y/n looked up towards Will and answered "I saw my ex again on the platform when I was waiting for the train "
"Oh" Will said while pulling Y/n closer to his chest "it will be okay I'm here now"
"Thank you " the women whispered

After a awkwardly long hug Will looked at Y/n once again and said " if you ever wanted talk my number is ############### okay" without saying anything she pulled out her phone from her pocket and started typing his number into her contacts, she then looked up and smiled while stating "the next stop is mine."
A look of sadness washed across wills face. Then Y/n continue to speak "I hope to see you tomorrow though," Wilbur simple  nodded like he had in the morning and watched as Y/n stepped of the train and waved him a good bye

Ngl I'm kinda glad this chapter is done . I might not post for a while since I'm behind on school work which is why this one took so long to be posted

Also do any of you give a shit about the word count cuz if no one likes it I'll stop putting it in .

Word count: 1087

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