🤍 part 4 🤍

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The café was familiar to Y/n. It was small but breathtaking. Wooden lattice covered in flowers and vines flooded one wall to her left and the others where appropriate painted a light blue. The tables were all square with the exception of the middle row. The tables flowing down the middle of the room were large circles.Y/n assumed they where put the for bigger families to sit and eat at but she wasn't sure. When she turned to her left she spotted Will sat at the table closest to the door reading a menu. She slowly reached or the chair across from him as he meet her eyes and smiled. "Hi" the brown haired man stated
" hey,you ok " she answered with a smile
"Better now your here "he said flirtatiously
Y/n laughed and sat down as Will smiled back

Everything had felt bad before y/n had seen Wilbur but it was better now. His smile made her feel warm inside and like nothing else mattered anymore: not Jared ,not work, not her arm, nothing at all.

Will passed y/n a menu. She stretched out her arm to take it from him forgetting about the cuts and scars until her sleeve uncovered her secret. Wilbur looked at her arm and then back at her face
"Y/n" he said with a concerned tone
Y/n looked up at him once again whilst his eyes where glued to her arm. She  spotted that her sleeve was slightly rolled up and looked back at Wilbur
"There from high school " urged y/n
"I doesn't look like it" he replied "they look new as in done today"
A wave of gilt washed over y/n she had been called out on her lies for the first time. Y/n swiftly pulled her sleeve down, grabbed her bag and ran out the door.

Wilbur sat in silence for a few seconds and then followed the sobbing women out of the café door not worried about the bill since they hadn't ordered anything
"Y/n" he yelled " wait I'm sorry"
But she didn't stop, instead she only walked faster down the street followed by a few meters and then will. Y/n knew he didn't mean to hurt her but a small thing like that means a lot to someone like her. Someone that had been hurt so many times before.

Will started to run towards y/n but before he could get close enough to stop her she had walked in to a small 2 bedroom flat locking the door behind her. He knocked on the door. Wilbur knew it would be hard to fix his mistakes but he was willing to try. The truth is Will hadn't really had a friend like y/n before and he didn't want to lose what they had over him not thinking before he spoke.

On the other side of the door y/n sat with her head on her knees debating weather she should let will in. She couldn't bring her self to it so she sat silently waiting for him to leave.

One knock after another Wilbur slowly started losing hope, but then he heard someone go upstairs in the flat. All the hope that will was grasping onto like a cat to a string fled from his body at once. He felt terrible for what he had said. He wished the ground would have opened up and swallowed him hole in the café

Kinda a short chapter but oh well you can't have everything

Word count :599

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