🤍part 8 🤍

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Wilbur looked thriving that day and everyone around him could tell. He didn't expect y/n to actually rely he thought her would send a message just so she saw it on the message banner. To be completely honest he thought she had probably blocked him or deleted his contact from her phone but he was wrong.

Later on in the day Wilbur Heard his phone go off again. Nobody ever messaged him normally because it was usually a discord message that was sent his way. The ping the Will heard was definitely a iMessage.

He scurried towards his phone and read the name,y/n,his smile grew 10 times bigger before he could even read the message. There was a 50/50% chance that the message could be nice or it could be bad. Y/n seemed okay with him earlier when he messaged her but that might have changed, who was he to tell.

He warily opened the message and let out a sigh of relief that he didn't know he was holding in the message was simple three words to be exact "wanna try again?"

Will through his phone back onto his desk and jumped around for a few minutes celebrating his luck like a child on the morning of there birthday party. After a while of making a fool of himself Wilbur messaged back "hi I'm Wilbur it's nice to meet you"
"Hey I'm y/n it's nice to meet you too 😂" she replied

Time skip to on the train
When y/n got on the train her eyes guided the rest of her body over to Wilbur. The man's cheeks grow a pail shad of red when she sat next to him like both of them had completely amnesia of the last couple of weeks. As much as y/n wanted to hate the brown haired male next to her it just felt wrong like soup on a plate, it's just not right. She questioned her self all the time on stupid things like her outfits or the spelling of a word but this , she knew it was the right thing to do

Not a word was sharing among the two until Wilbur spoke up
"I missed this," he remarked
"Me too," the Girl breathed as she looked up at Wilbur and gave him one of her signature smiles.

"I...Um... I really don't feel like being home alone tonight" the women said placing her head on the brunettes shoulder.
"You could sleep at mine tonight if you want" Wilbur said in a Confident tone.
" actually I thought you could stay at my apartment" y/n asked "if you don't mine obviously" another look was sent in will's direction
" is this some sort of murder plan"
He said in a joking sense a chuckle was the only answer he got.
"I'll go home first and get my stuff then I'll come round" Wilbur whisper in the girls ear.

" thank you " the soft voiced, blonde haired, brown eyed woman said loud and proud as she stood up at her stop.

Ok I'm not going to say this is a short chapter anymore because I have come to the conclusion that it's just going to be the length of all the chapters in this story

Also I just wanted to thank everyone that has waited for each of these parts to be released. I know that the community is shrinking massively so it means a lot.

Word count:584

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