🤍part 5🤍

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The next day Wilbur waited enduringly to see y/n's face once again. The journey felt like it went on forever. "Next stop Goldsmid" stated the voice from the speaker above head.finally Will thought this was the stop he had waited an eternity for but when the train came to a screeching holt he saw something he had never hoped to see. Y/n, Wilburs y/n stood smiling and laughing with another man.he didn't know the company but he already didn't like him.

The man stepped on first followed closely but y/n still smiling as they walked towards Will.

Will: that didn't take you long
                                No reply
Will: we'll it was nice knowing you
                               No reply

Wilbur could see y/n reading the messages he sent but not answer them which hurt his soul a little more each time since he knew that he did this to him self

Finally will's phone had gone off. He rushed to grab it out on his coat pocket causing it to fly on the floor and  ironically land right in front of the envied man and next to y/n's foot. Y/n looked towards Wilbur with a sorrowful look,she grabbed the phone and handed it back to him not saying a word.

Once the phone was taken by the receiver he gently took her arm.
"Y/n-" he said before being interrupted
"not now will we can talk another time" she started "somewhere private "
And continued back to her seat
"Do you know him" the man that unknowingly to Wilbur was actually y/n's brother
"It's a long story " she replied and then started another conversation topic

Wilbur looked down at his phone to see a message notification, he taped on it waiting to see y/n's message...
"fuck" he whispered
It was a stupid message from Vodafone one of the stupid messages that are sent out to promote free data or unlimited calls and texts one of the texts that alway get your hopes up.

The passengers next to Will had turned to look at him but still said nothing,this is why y/n was the only women he wanted, because she paid attention to him. If his phone had landed next to anyone else on that train he would have had to receive himself but not with her.

The train announced again "next stop coldean" y/n watched as her brother fumbled around gathering his stuff. She couldn't help but laugh which only caught wills attention more as he wished that it was him instead of this mystery man y/n was laughing at. Then Wilbur realised... y/n wasn't getting off. Maybe this was his chance to talk to her or maybe , now she was alone,she would answer his texts.

The train continued on with a few less passengers as once before.Wilbur looked at y/n once again but instead of the conversation he was hoping for she stood in front of the brown hair man and shouted
"I can't believe you embarrassed me like that" she screeched
"W-what" wil Muttered
" Don't act all innocent" she continued "At the cafe"
At this point everyone in the train carriage was staring at the two
"I trusted you"y/n said while pointing a finger at wills chest
"Y-y/n I'm sorry ok I didn't mean to hurt you like that, and trust me if anyone know what your going through right now it's me "
She shook her head at him in pity as she grabbed her small backpack off of the seat in which she was sat on and waited at the train doors.
Sorry for the long ass wait for this part I was up to my ears in school work and now I have covid so I can finally write also thank you to the one person who actually reads this I appreciate you so much (@humannotfound1112 )
Word count: 660

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