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No ones POV
Lucy was sitting in her cell alone in a dark, cold, damp hydra facility. She was singing. Passing the time in her lonely cell. She never had a person to talk to only her torturous. There was a great amount of scars cuts and bruises scattered across her body from the experiments and torture. She longed for her brother and missed him dearly, she had no idea of long she had been gone and hoped she was not forgotten. The thought of escape driving her to survive tonight was the night. She was ready. Time to escape.

Lucy's POV
I was sitting in my cell singing waiting for it to become dark "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" I heard from the other room I carried on. The guards came running in hitting me. I stopped. They left. A cut across my face, a split lip, they definitely went easy.

Finally it was time. I laid on the floor and started groaning soon enough a guard was there checking on me. They didn't want me to die, they knew I was useful, I knocked the guard out luckily he had left my cell door open. I stole his card and ran. Finally I was free. I had no clue where I was. Or where I was going

I found my way to a lake and sat down staring at the beautiful, clear, peaceful water. I needed to find my brother but to do that I needed money and to know where I was. I decided I should probably sleep then focus on finding him in the morning.

Peters POV
Today was a good day I stopped a bank robbery and hung out with tony. Tony was so kind to me I thought of him as a dad. I had done a test today at school and I think I did well. After such a long day I was ready to go to bed. As I lay in bed I was thinking about my sister, I missed her so much she was always there for me she was two years younger than me but yet so mature and as smart as I was. She always knew how to make someone happy but around a few years ago she went missing. I was heartbroken. She was my best friend as was gone just like that. She was a great singer too, she was so sporty and fast she could always run away from me if I chased her. I didn't even get to tell her I was Spider-Man.

Her birthday was last month , July 21st, I was so sad all the avengers could see it. I live with the avengers in the compound ever since aunt May's death around 5 months ago, our whole apartment was crushes when people with super weapons attacked. I was constantly questioned if I was alright, I didn't want to tell them I had a sister because I didn't know if she was dead. I miss her so much and I hope she will come back to me.

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