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"Good morning miss"

"Good morning po ma'am"

"Good morning po madam"

That's the different types of greetings that can be heard here inside my company aside from the sound of my click clacking heels.

They're greeting me with their head bowed down as I pass each in front of them while walking in the middle. Like I should. Coz I'm The Boss. And I'm The Rules.

I didn't even said a single word to them and even give a single fuck of greeting them back because why whould I?

They're working for me and I'm paying them. So it's not my responsibility to give a damn on them.

I continued walking till I reached my private elevator that is only customized for me.

"What's my schedule for today?"

I asked my secretary the moment I arrived inside my extremely massive office here at the top floor of this building.

"Uhm you have a meeting at 10:00 o'clock this morning ma'am with Mr. Del Fiero and another meeting at 11 o'clock till 12:00 this afternoon with Mr. Dela Fuentes and another meeting at 2 o'clock with the the board members. And last but not the least, you'll have a dinner date with your fiance this evening ma'am."

My lips instantly formed into a smile when I remembered that I'll be having date with my love this evening. He said that he'll make it up to me after two weeks of being away because of his business trips.

"Alright. You can go."

She bowed once again before exiting my office.

After couple of hours signing and checking all emails, my phone suddenly rang.

And the caller ID says "Steve". My older brother.

I can't help to roll my eyeballs the moment I saw his name on my screen.

I really hate talking to this man. But unfortunately, I have to. So I answered him.

"What is it this time Steve."

"Stop that bratty voice of yours on me Alexandra."

He said on the other line that made my eyes roll one more.

"Whatever. Just tell what you need. You're wasting my freaking time."

"We'll have a dinner party at our parents house this evening and you need to come."

"I cant. I'm busy with my company."

"Busy with your company or busy with that bastard fiancé of yours?."

"With my company of course!"

"Oh c'mon Alexandra I'm not dumb. You'll meet him this evening to have a date with him-

"And so? he's my FIANCÉ! of course I'll be having date with him!"

"Lower your voice on me young woman or I'll kill that mother fucker FIANCÉ of yours for real this time! You are going to our party tonight and THATS. FINAL. END OF CONVERSATION!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐒 (GXG)(INTERSEX) Series 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora