♥ They're injured ♥

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You heard a knock on your front door. When you opened it, Mikey was on the other side pouting. You were about to ask you what he was doing at your house, but he spoke before you,

"N/nnnnn!!" He pouted, coming inside your house and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

"Whoa, what's up Mikey?" You asked him.

Mikey let go of you which allowed you to close and lock the door to your house,

"I want to cuddle with you! That gang fight was so exhausting!!"

You looked at him confused,

"You got into a fight today?" You asked.

"Yeaaaa...Why is that so hard for you to believe??" He questioned.

Your eyes inspected his face and arms before your answered,

"There are no bruises on you..." You told him.

He walked past you and began walking to your kitchen as he said, "So?! What's that got to do with anything!! I wanna cuddle!!" He pouted. Mikey was now rummaging in your fridge looking for something to eat. It was obvious that he wasn't that hurt, but you went along with him and walked into your kitchen to retrieve an ice pack for his non apparent bruises. After he was done eating the food from your fridge you guys went up to your room and got in your bed. You both faced each other and he rested his head on your chest as you held him in your arms, pressing the icepack against his head,

"My dad would probably kill you if he saw you here..." You joked.

"He can try..." Mikey remarked.

You let out a sigh. Sometimes dating Mikey felt like taking care of a small child.


You received a text from Draken to open your front door for him. It was night, so you were confused, but you obliged. You went to your front door and opened it. There was Draken and he looked pretty roughed up. There were visible bruises on his face and he looked very tired.

"Are you okay?" You ask him.

He nods at you and walks past you in your own house, "Yea...I just wanted to stay with you tonight, is the okay with you?" He asked. You nodded, although his back was turned to you,

"Yea, that's fine..." You told him.

You followed him to your couch and watched him plop down. You hadn't realized it before, but he was holding his stomach. You crossed your arms in concerned and glared at him. He noticed your harsh gazed and had the nerve to ask,

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"What happened?" You asked sternly.

He tried to act like he didn't know what you're talking about,

"It's nothing...Toman just got into a little fight, that all-"

"Ken Ryuguji!!" You cut him off, "You can't just show up to my house all beat up and then not tell me what's going on!!"

Draken looked at you slightly surprised, but ultimately let out a sigh of defeat. He lifted up his shirt a bit to reveal a dark colored bruise on his ribs,

"It's just a little bruise that I got after getting hit with a pipe..." He finally disclosed.

'Did he just say he got hit with a pipe?!?' you thought. You also let out a sigh, trying to keep your composure.

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