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Fun Fact: I joined Wattpad in 2012.

I didn't technically start posting until early 2014 when I was thirteen. I had ideas I wanted to turn into mangas but I lacked the artistic abilities to draw them. When I posted my first story, I didn't expect much out of it. Yet here I am, still writing, surprisingly.

Honestly, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I've been on this site for a literal decade, and have literally grown up here. Which is why I thought it would be nice to reflect on my my time on Wattpad thus far. And what better way to do that than with a trivia book?

This will be full of fun facts about my process in creating and writing my various stories, details I planned that never made it into the stories themselves, character profile sheets/aesthetics, cover collections, etc.

Most of what's included are things I created years ago, when I actually started working on these books. I'll be posting some general trivia for The Humanity Club, followed by Stumbling Over Love, Outsider Syndrome and so on, divided by their headings. I doubt I'll include trivia from my super old books just because I hardly remember them and no longer have much saved about them. I also won't include the profile sheets/aesthetics of any background characters, just the main ones.

Obviously, there are spoilers sprinkled around, so tread with caution :p




The art used in my covers and/or character aesthetics belong to their respective owners.

I make my books and characters moodboards on Pinterest all the time (where I get them). It's my biggest source of inspiration and literally where I go whenever I'm stuck and need ideas. If you'd like to check my page out, my username is @Mistyped_
Just a warning, though, it's very messy!

As for the "voice actor" sections
you'll come across...

I've always liked imagining my stories as animes lol and it's fun thinking which voice actors would voice my characters if they were. It's literally my own guilty pleasure and surprisingly makes writing these stories so much more enjoyable. Is that weird? I hope it's not weird—
Anyway, you'll be seeing a lot of that :p


Thanks for checking this out if you do! Let me know if you come across anything that surprises you!

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