Paradox | 10th Doctor

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• long time no update, my b... i've been obsessing over morpheus from the sandman and may or may not have an imagine in the works....

song recommendation: four knocks, murray gold


He promised he'd never leave.

That's what he told you all those years ago, when you were still so young and you had yet to explore all of time and space with him. He'd promised that you'd never be alone, he would always be there when you needed him. No matter how dark the night got or how afraid you were, he would always be with you.

But he lied.

When the Doctor regenerated and he was no longer the pin-stripe suit wearing Time Lord you fell in love with, everything changed. You couldn't even hardly look at him. He was completely different (though he claimed he was still the Doctor, just with a new face), but you had no idea how to move on. The Doctor, your Doctor, was gone. Because of you. He had been the one to enter the other side of the chamber so you could get out because he knew you would've died in there, even though you cried and begged for him to let you die so he would live. Being who he is, or was, it didn't matter what you said to him, he was going to save you even if it meant he would regenerate. And that's what he did.

And you hated him for it. You still do.

Even now, as Amy (the Doctor's new companion and a seemingly nice person) and the Doctor walked up to the TARDIS, which was now fully repaired, you were lost in your thoughts. Throughout the whole Prisoner Zero drama, you couldn't help but feel like something was off. Besides the obvious "new Doctor" thing, you had a gut feeling that this was just wrong. It was hard to explain, even to yourself, but you felt it. The familiar creak of the door opening brought you out of your head and to the present, feeling the warmth from the inside of the TARDIS float around you since the door was now open. Amy had went inside and was more than likely gawking at how it was "bigger on the inside", but the Doctor was waiting by the door for you. You didn't meet his gaze but walked past him, entering the TARDIS and expecting to see everything as the previous regeneration had left it.

Needless to say, you were pretty surprised to see everything had completely changed.

Everything in the console room was so new; the walls, the ceiling, the console had all these new gizmos and gadgets, it was all so unfamiliar. It only made the pit in your stomach grow, even when Amy and the Doctor giggled to themselves at the console as Amy stood in awe of how beautiful everything was. You knew they were talking amongst themselves but you had tuned them out completely, back to being submerged in your own thoughts once more. You hadn't even moved from your place at the bottom of the stairs near the door, too busy paying attention to how your home had changed completely and all memory of your Doctor had been erased. "I'm gonna head to bed, I'm pretty tired..." Amy's voice barely registered in your mind but you heard it, finally snapping out of your mindless looking around to see she was already up the stairs and out of the room before you knew it. It was quiet in the console room, and it suddenly felt as if you were in the room with a complete stranger.

"So? Do you like it?" The Doctor asked from his place by the console, fiddling with different buttons yet still keeping his eyes on you. Your gaze snapped to his when he spoke, finding that a pang of hurt shot through you every time you did so, and nodded your head. "It's... different." You spoke up, probably the most you had said in a long while, and finally moved away from the door to climb the steps one at a time. It was so foreign to you; new console room, new Doctor... pretty much a whole new life. "Different is good, I think. I like different. It means things are changing, and change is inevitable." He rambled, caught off guard by a loud 'ding!' that resonated through the quiet room. A brand new sonic screwdriver popped up from the console, seeing a bright smile appear on the Doctor's face as he gazed upon his new toy. "Ah, finally, isn't she beautiful?" He beamed, holding the screwdriver up for you to see.

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