Study sessions:

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Bakugou's pov:

Looking out my window, I see my father walking into the house, so I head downstairs and see my mother waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

He walks in and looks at us "You two alright?"

Mitsuki: "We're fine. What's the 'vampire neighbourhood' like?"

He closes the door and says "Well, it's pretty cool actually. The vampires protect it and all of the humans and vampires inside are kept very safe. It's 50/50 for species, so there are as many humans as there are vampires. But the walls and security system is amazing and they even escorted me all the way to the police station because they're worried about the full moon. One of the ones in the head family gave me a better dagger and he was a vampire."

Mitsuki: "Strange... they sound lovely though."

Masaru: "Definitely... I think he trusted me not to stab him..... I wouldn't anyway, he never did anything wrong. In fact, he was the one protecting me the most, since that's his job I guess. The son of the person in charge..."

Bakugou: "I guess that's fine. Don't go out on a full moon ever again fucker."

Mitsuki: "You, go to bed."

Masaru: "Oh, before you do, I wanted to let you know something."

I turn to him and raise an eyebrow.

Masaru: "Next time you study, go to his house instead. His mother told me because of her profession, he is under constant danger of being hunted himself.. his whole family are.... they've already killed half of them.."

Bakugou: "What? Why would they-"

Mitsuki: "Probably mad because they're killing people for killing a vampire wrongfully. Probably the people who think vampires should have less rights, it's disgusting. They stick to the rules and people are still mad at them."

Masaru: "That's true..."

Mitsuki: "But yes, in that case, I agree. You should go to his instead. Does he live in the so called 'vampire neighbourhood'?"

Masaru: "Mhm, you're safe there."

Bakugou: "Fine, jesus. I get your point."

Masaru: "At the gates, their is a sign that reads 'enter at your own will, come and go as you please, but if you stay you will be protected for life', that's the slogan on the wall, I was thinking of moving anyway, what do you think of moving there?"

Mitsuki: "Maybe... would be good for your job.."

I just shrug "Whatever, I'm going to bed before I fall asleep here."

They nod and I go to sleep, but then hear a knock on my window. My eyes widen as I see a face, but it doesn't look human, my hand stumbles to my light as the glass is smashed and I jump up, my parents running into my room.

But then I hear impossibly fast footsteps and my eyes widen as within just a second it loses it's head and falls to the floor below. I gag slightly at the sight and my parents pull me over to them, then we see something and a hand is on my windowsill.

The hood comes down and a woman looks at us, then asks "Are you alright?"

Masaru: "Oh, hello again."

She smiles and nods "Hello, I told him to take his tablets. Bastard. Anyway, sorry for the disturbance. Here you are, that'll pay for any damages."

She places something on the bed and then clicks her fingers and the glass shards disappear.

Kiri's mother: "You have somewhere else to sleep?"

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