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Bakugou's pov:

Walking into school with the others, sero looks over to me and asks "Hey, so who'd Johnathan try and kill then?"

Bakugou: "Oh, he came through my bedroom window."

Sero: "Ah, I see. So you."

Bakugou: "Mhm."

Jiro: "Not surprised, as we say, he is a sweet tooth, much like eijiro in that sense. Not that eijiro would ever go like that, he's very careful."

Bakugou: "Mhm, I know that."

Walking into school, we all sit down and talk for a bit until aizawa walks in and class starts. Then the uraraka girl comes over and smiles, then asks "Hey, wanna be my gym partner?"

Kirishima walks over and then sits down on my desk, then uraraka says "Oh, sorry, you've already got a partner. I'll try someone else."

Then kirishima looks at me and I just chuckle quietly and shake my head a little, then he takes my hand and leads me outside of the classroom. We go to the empty hallway and I smirk slightly, pushing him lightly into the wall, then planting a kiss on his lips.

It was short lived, but sweet, then I drag him to continue walking. He just chuckles and let's me drag him down the hallway and to where his friends are waiting in the courtyard. We aren't holding hands anymore, since we still haven't told anyone obviously.

Going to leave, I turn on my heel, when I hear:

Midoriya: "Kacchan? Hey, kacchan, wait!"

I frown slightly and turn around "What do you want deku?"

He stops immediately and mumbles "Well, I was just wondering why-"

Bakugou: "None of your business. Shut up."

Kirishima: "..woah, it's just midoriya, what's up?"

Midoriya: "No.. that's alright.... I've.. done enough.."

Deku turns and walks away, then I go to leave and shitty hair stops me.

Kirishima: "What did he mean by that?"

Bakugou: "Not important. Years ago anyway... now let go. Asshat."

Kaminari: "Wait, can you stay?"

Turning around, I look at him confused and he says "What? You seem fine."

Sero: "Yeah man."

Jiro: "Alright, well, peace out because I gotta go talk to-"

Kirishima: "Your girlfriend~"

Jiro blushes and turns away, running off in another direction. We watch as she goes and then they all turn back to me and I just roll my eyes.

That's when I feel something and turn to see todoroki "What the fuck?!"

Kirishima turns to him and I hear the same low growl he did to sero, to which todoroki immediately let's go and kneels down on the floor. Seeing deku out of the corner of my eye, I can see his eyes wide and he comes over "W-what's going on?"

Sero: "What is going on?"

I step back slightly and kirishima asks "What did you think you were doing?"

Todoroki: "I-I heard something, that's all, ok?!"

Midoriya: "You heard something-oh. That isn't true.."

Kirishima: "What are you going on about..?"

Midoriya: "When we were younger, when kacchan's best friend... died, he was blamed for most of the accident.. and eventually people started saying it was his fault... it um..... that friend was um... todoroki-kun's brother.. so... that's what's going on...."

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