Chapter 2: Part 2

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The work inside the home had taken three days and Ali was extremely frustrated the entire time but, she had to admit it was worth it in the end. All the original furniture was left in the house and repaired. Jace couldn't have it thrown out even though he didn't say those exact words. Most of the work went into painting the place, changing the floors, and cleaning every small nook and cranny until all dust was banished.

Everyone seemed in a much better mood when the four men went back to working on the vineyard. Not before Olivia grilled them, though. She did extensive background checks, grilled each man individually, and even called the council to make sure that these shifters checked out. Jace was annoyed by the whole thing but, not Ali. She appreciated the extra work since it would take some of the stress off of her.

Ali stretched out at the table and inhaled deeply. The fresh air mixed with the coffee was intoxicating. Even the citrus smell blowing into the partially open window had her sighing loudly.

Of course the happiness never lasted long, Every single day since she had been here had been great but, her mind always drifted back to her family in Pine Grove. They were moved to some secretive location and basically forced to stay hidden while she was going to be enjoying her time in a beautiful home. They even had to shut down the gym for the rest of the year. She wasn't sure how this was going to affect business but, at least she would have enough money to not worry about it anymore.

Brooke sat down across from Ali and drank an equally big cup of coffee.

"I seriously hate coffee but I can't stop drinking this," said Brooke. "I could probably just replace water with this and be good for the rest of my life."

Ali nodded. "That is something I definitely agree with. I'll have to take some back when I go home."

Brooke frowned. "I know this is soon but, don't you want to stay here when the year is up? You and Jace obviously get a long great and I know you love each other so, why go back?"

"I have my family and responsibilities back there. I can't just leave my brother and sister alone while I chase after some love story that won't have an ending."

Brooke looked down at her coffee and began running her finger along the rim. "Don't take this the wrong way," she said, looking up at Ali. "But Sarah is an adult and Zach is mature kid. They don't need you there to babysit them. You really have to live your life. It's time to do something for yourself."

Ali opened her mouth to respond but didn't get the chance. Justin came in and swooped Brooke up into his arms. She laughed while trying to not get her coffee all over the place.

"Sorry for interrupting the girl talk. I'm going to take Brooke on a tour so you guys can continue this later."

And with that he was gone. Ali's peaceful morning was officially interrupted by a five minute conversation and now she had no choice but to stew over it by herself. Jace was outside doing something in the vineyard while she had decided to drink coffee and enjoy the quiet of the house. She was envious of Jace since he hadn't been stuck talking to Brooke.

Brooke's words did strike a cord, though. Ali had never truly done anything for herself. Every sacrifice was for her family. Even being here with Jace was only a small percentage of want. The rest was a need. A need to have money that would take care of her family.

She hated that her mind kept going back to that. It was consuming and might drive her mad but, it was the only way to keep her on track. She couldn't let her change in relationship with Jace get in the way with that.

Easier said than done. He walked in in nothing but a pair of pants. It was still a bit chilly where they were staying but, all their shifter blood, even Ali's made the weather bare able.

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