Chapter 3: part 2

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Ali had been hungry but, when Olivia mentioned the council she completely lost her appetite. She knew that the council finding put they were here was inevitable. They were going to keep tabs on their future leader and would want to know if he was safe.

Jace sat down at the table in nothing but his pants. He ran his hand down his face, letting out an a guy breath. "What does the council want?"

Olivia sat down across from him. She looked like she had aged ten years. "They called to see where you were and how you were doing. Of course that means they probably know you're here."

"How?" asked Ali. She was leaning against the counter and wanted to stay out of the conversation but, curiosity for the best of her.

"The council has ways to find out anything," answered Olivia.

Ali shivered. She didn't like the way that sounded. Anyone close to her knew that she tried very hard to keep a lot of her life private. If the council was really that powerful then what did they know about her?

"So," said Ali, slowly walking towards the table. "I don't know much about the council." she sat down at the table and looked at Olivia. "What do they know about me?"

Olivia tapped her phone against the table. "This is not about you, Alexandria. We're trying to keep jace's location a secret because my philosophy is trust no one; not even the council."

At first Ali was angry but the last part of what Olivia said had her intrigued. She thought that all shifters put a lot of faith in the council. From the way Olivia was speaking it seemed that wasn't the case. That honestly surprised Ali.

"I agree," said Jace, folding his arms. "My dad was murdered in the council house and those men were not even questioned."

"Jace," warned Olivia. "We talked about this. There was a thorough investigation done. All of them checked out."

Jace's eyes darkened significantly. "An investigation done by officers that worked for the council!"

"Ha!" said a voice from the hall that had them all jumping. "You sure do care a lot about who murdered your father when you hated the man," said Justin.

Jace's eyes turned completely black. He slammed his fists on the table, shattering it into a million pieces. Ali ducked just in time as Asa large chunk flew past her head. Before anyone could say a word, Jace story, Ed down the hall and slammed his bedroom door shut with such force that the floors shook.

"Justin," hissed Olivia. "What were you thinking?"

He grabbed and apple from the counter and rubbed it against his shirt. "It's the truth and someone had to say it."

Ali and Olivia stared at him in complete shock.

"What?" He said, his mouth full of apple. "No one else wonders why Jace is trying to hard to figure this out when just the thought of his father pissed him off?"

Ali walked up to Justin and shoved him hard in the chest. "Maybe if you were just a tiny bit smarter, "she said, barely holding her pointer finger and thumb apart, "Then you would realize that he cared for his father a lot. You would also understand that Jace is so concerned because he has a huge target on his back. He's the next in line and the next to be killed."

Justin didn't move but, Ali could see the crushing look in his eyes. It was like everything finally clicked and he realized what an idiot he was.

Ali spun on her heel and hurried down the hall. The door to their room was locked. She knocked and didn't hear and a thing

"Come on Jace, this is my room too."

When Ali still didn't hear anything she shrugged and pulled the door know so hard that it popped. the table would need to be repaired anyway so why not just have them fix everything at once?

365 Days With You: Part 1 and 2 (Sample only)Where stories live. Discover now